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发布时间:2018-02-16 12:29

  本文关键词: 美国高校 高校管理 学生参与 组织参与 个人参与 公共治理 出处:《东北大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:Student participation in management is one of the concrete manifestations of the democratization of university management in the United States. Democratic management in American colleges and universities is deeply influenced by institutional and cultural factors. For example, the United States Constitution emphasizes the idea that sovereignty lies in the people. It provides institutional guarantees for decentralization of higher education; the popularization of practical agricultural technology education enables students to create value with what they have learned; universities, general colleges and community colleges have different abilities for students. This tertiary structure of higher education can meet the needs of different students. These factors help students gain more rights. There are two forms of personal participation. Organization participation is manifested in the fact that student representatives can participate in the school board of directors, the disciplinary committee, the student union, and other organizations. These student representatives who are selected through selection assume the responsibilities and obligations prescribed by the organization. They participate in and have the right to vote on matters related to school management.According to the fact that the vast majority of students in the United States can appeal to the Complaints Office or participate in teaching activities, eligible senior students can also live in the country. The advantages of American students' participation in university management are as follows: first, students' participation in management has a perfect and stable institutional arrangement and participation path; second, Students' participation in the process of information, openness: third, students' participation in the management process is relatively independent. These advantages are conducive to deepening the interactive cooperation and information exchange between universities and students. To improve the efficiency and enthusiasm of students' participation in management, the problems of American students' participation in university management are as follows: first, the existence of a large number of student representatives and student organizations can easily lead to unclear powers and responsibilities; secondly, due to the lack of management knowledge and experience of students, Their excessive participation is apt to disturb the normal management order of the school. The research on the participation of American students in the management of colleges and universities is helpful to promote the democratic reform of our country's colleges and universities. Our universities and colleges should improve the environment of democratic participation from the level of system. In order to expand the autonomous power of colleges and universities, it is necessary to consider whether they meet the actual needs of students when formulating policies. In addition, colleges and universities should take students as the basis, broaden the channels of their participation in management, and strengthen their information and independence in participating in management. So as to improve the democratic level of decision-making in colleges and universities.


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