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发布时间:2018-02-16 19:27

  本文关键词: 四川省 独立学院 大学生基层就业 案例研究 出处:《电子科技大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:随着我国经济的高速发展,对各类人才的需求量日渐增大,1999年高校扩招使高校将过去精英式教育转变为普及式教育,2003年教育部顺应时代发展所需,批准各省市成立不同规模和特色的独立学院。应运而生的独立学院有效地补给了社会对高等教育的需求,但由于独立学院学生学习底子薄、社会竞争力差的特性,加大了目前本就备受社会关注的大学生就业难的问题。 在过往大量专家学者对大学生就业难问题的研究得出结论:大学生就业难并非社会对人才需求呈供给过求的现象,而是由于受我国社会、经济、文化等发展不均衡的影响,导致大学生在就业存在着区域、行业上的偏好性选择。2005年国务院发布了《关于引导和鼓励高校毕业生面向基层就业的意见》。该意见的目的主要通过对大学毕业生的有序合理地流向的引导来解决大学毕业生整体就业的结构性失衡的问题。各级政府相继出台了一系列针对大学生就业的优惠政策,旨在吸引各类人才投入到我国基层建设中去,这在缩小城乡差距,统筹城乡发展方面具有不可忽视的长远意义。四川省相关行政部门也相应出台了一系列促进大学生到基层就业的政策。这些优惠政策产生了一定积极的效果,使得四川省基层就业的高校毕业生呈增长趋势。但这并未从质上解决四川省基层建设对大量人才的迫切需求,,以及四川省独立学院大学生就业较难的问题现状。 本文首先从界定了就业、基层就业的相关概念,并以西方就业理论、马克思供需平衡理论作为本研究的理论基础,立足于四川省社会经济教育的省情,归纳整理现有相关文献资料,分析出目前四川省独立学院学生就业难问题主要表现为毕业生初次就业率低,就业流向结构性失衡,并找出影响四川省独立学院大学生基层就业的主要障碍为基层就业政策与高校衔接不上、基层就业政策只注重短期效应、基层就业的执行机制不完善。最后提出完善四川省独立学院基层就业的建议,包括促进基层就业的需求、促进基层就业的供给,优化基层就业环境、加大各项政策执行力度等几个方面建议,以期望能以此促进四川省大学生基层就业情况的顺利推进。
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of economy in our country, the demand for all kinds of talents is increasing day by day. In 1999, the expansion of colleges and universities made colleges and universities transform the past elite education into universal education. In 2003, the Ministry of Education complied with the needs of the development of the times. To approve the establishment of independent colleges of different sizes and characteristics in various provinces and municipalities. The independent colleges that have emerged have effectively replenished the needs of society for higher education. However, due to the fact that the students of independent colleges have a poor base of study, the social competitiveness is poor. Increased the current social concern about the difficult employment of college students. In the past, a large number of experts and scholars have studied the employment difficulties of college students. It is concluded that the employment difficulties of college students are not a phenomenon of oversupply to the demand for talents, but due to the unbalanced development of our society, economy, culture and so on. Leading to the existence of regions in employment for college students, In 2005, the State Council issued the opinions on guiding and encouraging College graduates to face Grass-roots Employment. The purpose of this opinion is to solve the problem mainly through the guidance of the orderly and reasonable flow of college graduates. The structural imbalance in the overall employment of college graduates. Governments at all levels have successively issued a series of preferential policies for the employment of college students. The aim is to attract all kinds of talents to the grass-roots construction of our country, which is narrowing the gap between urban and rural areas. The planning of urban and rural development is of great long-term significance. The relevant administrative departments in Sichuan Province have accordingly issued a series of policies to promote the employment of college students at the grass-roots level. These preferential policies have produced certain positive effects. But this has not solved the urgent need for a large number of talents in the grass-roots construction of Sichuan Province and the present situation of the difficult employment of college students in Sichuan Independent College. This paper first defines the relevant concepts of employment and grass-roots employment, and takes western employment theory and Marx's theory of supply-demand balance as the theoretical basis of this study, based on the provincial situation of social and economic education in Sichuan Province. Summing up the existing relevant documents and analyzing the current problems of employment difficulties of students in Sichuan Independent College are mainly reflected in the low initial employment rate of graduates and the structural imbalance of employment flow. And find out that the main obstacle to the grass-roots employment of college students in Sichuan Independent College is that the grass-roots employment policy does not link up with the colleges and universities, and the grass-roots employment policy only pays attention to the short-term effect. The implementation mechanism of grass-roots employment is not perfect. Finally, suggestions are put forward to improve grass-roots employment in Sichuan Independent College, including promoting the demand for grass-roots employment, promoting the supply of grass-roots employment, and optimizing the grass-roots employment environment. In order to promote the employment situation of college students in Sichuan province, we should strengthen the implementation of various policies and other suggestions.


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