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发布时间:2018-02-20 05:33

  本文关键词: 教师信念 职前教师 英语教育专业 出处:《广西师范大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:近年来,教师信念的研究逐渐受到教育界的关注。这一概念已经成为研究教师行为的重要工具。教师的信念比教师的知识更能影响其教学行为。所以教师信念对于教师专业发展和教学实践中起着至关重要的作用,本文以准教师群体为对象,调查研究他们这一群体所持有的教师信念的特点,旨在为师范类英语教育的教学提供一些建议。 本研究在前人研究的基础上,采用定量、定性相结合的方法,通过问卷调查和访谈形式,对广西师范大学2008和2009级师范类英语专业学生的教师信念进行调查。本文调查问卷参考了Horwitz以及叶苑瑜设计的教师信念问卷调查,并认真分析了英语教师信念的概念、因素,再结合中国英语教育专业学生的具体情况对问卷进行适当修改。问卷包括七个维度:语言观、教师观、学生观、学习观、教学观、课程观以及形成原因。通过SPSS15.0统计软件对收集的数据进行分析,分析了教师信念的内涵、功能、影响因素.本文研究的三个问题是:(1)职前养成阶段英语准教师的教师信念的总体情况?(2)英语教育专业大三与大四职前养成阶段英语准教师信念区别情况.(3)造成职前养成阶段英语准教师的教师信念形成的原因? 研究结果表明:大多数的职前英语教师持有积极的教师信念。英语教育专业大四的学生由于经历过教育实习,他们拥有较稳定的教师信念。在对于课程理念上,大三与大四的学生存在着显著性差异。教师信念受其以前所受的教育、同事和国家文化政策所影响。 根据调查结果,为提高英语教育专业的对学生的培养质量,使其树立正确的教师信念,本文提出了几点相应措施:(1)改进英语教师培养的课程设置;(2)师范院校应该与中小学建立良好的互助关系;(3)改进职前教师的培养模式;(4)反思教师信念。
[Abstract]:In recent years, The study of teachers' beliefs has gradually attracted the attention of the educational circles. This concept has become an important tool for the study of teachers' behavior. Teachers' beliefs can affect their teaching behavior more than teachers' knowledge. Therefore, teachers' beliefs are specific to teachers. Industry development and teaching practice play a vital role, This paper investigates and studies the characteristics of teachers' beliefs held by prospective teachers in order to provide some suggestions for the teaching of English teaching in teachers' colleges. On the basis of previous studies, this study adopts quantitative and qualitative methods, through questionnaires and interviews, This paper makes a survey of teachers' beliefs of teachers' English majors in class 2008 and 2009 of Guangxi normal University. The questionnaire refers to the questionnaire designed by Horwitz and Ye Yuanyu, and analyzes the concept and factors of English teachers' beliefs. The questionnaire includes seven dimensions: language view, teacher view, student view, learning view, teaching view. Through the analysis of the data collected by SPSS15.0 statistical software, the connotation and function of teachers' beliefs are analyzed. The three questions studied in this paper are the general situation of teachers' beliefs in the pre-service development stage of English teachers. (2) the differences between English prospective teachers' beliefs in the third year and the fourth year in English education major) the reasons for the formation of teachers' beliefs in the pre-service development stage of English teachers? The results show that the majority of pre-service English teachers hold positive teacher beliefs. The senior students of English education major have stable teacher beliefs because they have experienced educational practice. There are significant differences between junior and senior students. Teachers' beliefs are influenced by their previous education, colleagues and national cultural policies. According to the results of the investigation, in order to improve the training quality of students in English education major, and make them establish correct teachers' beliefs, This paper puts forward some corresponding measures: 1) to improve the curriculum of English teacher training. (2) Teachers colleges and universities should establish a good mutual aid relationship with primary and secondary schools. 3) improve the training mode of pre-service teachers. 4) reflect on teachers' beliefs.


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