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发布时间:2018-02-20 17:29

  本文关键词: 网络治理 大学教师 大学治理 机制研究 出处:《东北财经大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:目前,教师参与大学治理是高校实行民主管理的一种重要体现。教师参与冶理的首要目的是使教师有效参与到治理决策的制定中去,增强教师对学校的归属感和认同感,激励教师工作的热忱,为促进大学组织的发展做出贡献。大量“教授治校”的理论分析和制度制定的增加,使得大学教师在组织中的身份地位日益凸显。然而,教师参与大学的现实实践表明,学术权利的加入会影响科层组织体系的平衡,利益群体产生的分歧,教师自身内在因素的矛盾,致使教师参与大学的治理无法有效的落实。所以构建合理有效的教师参与大学治理的机制就是现实需要解决的问题。 本文通过运用社会网络分析方法及网络治理理论,重新审视教师在大学中的属性与位置,为教师参与大学治理的机制研究提供新的思路。全文共分为六个部分: 第一部分首先对本文研究的问题以及研究意义做出了概述。提出了教师参与大学治理问题的研究,通过对现今大学治理的概况以及教师参与治理的必要性的简单阐述,并提出需要将教师嵌入到大学治理机制中去这一议题。然后对教师参与学校治理方面的国内外学者的研究做了综述。总结出目前对该问题的研究仅限于理论层面的分析,进一步的真正运用到实际中的具体实施体系还没有建立。最后,阐述了本文研究的创新点。 第二部分是对相关基础理论的描绘。本文是基于网络治理的视角,对大学组织的治理进行研究。所以在此部分对网络治理理论的相关信息加以整理说明。分别介绍了网络治理的内涵、利益相关者理论、嵌入理论以及大学组织的特性。 第三部分描述了我国教师参与大学治理的基本现状和困境。通过对相关法律的查阅,找出了我国教师参与大学治理现有的法律保障。还在其他学者已有分析的基础上总结出现今教师在大学中的角色地位及参与到大学治理中的范围和程度。此外还进一步分析了教师参与到治理对大学的发展起到的消极影响促进作用。 第四部分分析了美国大学中教师参与治理的制度及对我国的启示。首先,对美国大学治理的主要特点进行解析,得出在美国大学治理中共同治理起着重要的意义。其次对美国的治理中的一项特殊经验进行描述。即推进教授治学,建立了教授协会参与共同治理。随后对教授治学的效果给予肯定,对我国的教师参与到大学治理提出展望。并通过对共同治理与网络治理趋同性的分析得出在我国大学治理过程中可以引入网络治理机制。 第五部分针对本文的核心研究领域教师参与网络治理的机制研究进行了阐述。分别分析了教师参与大学网络治理的适应机制、信任机制、协调机制、整合机制和维护机制。 第六部分主要是对本文研究问题的总结并分析了不足之处。 本文的结论是教师参与大学治理机制的构建是使教师真正参与到高校决策的基本保证。网络治理理论适用于教师参与治理的机制。教师作为大学的利益相关者,可以通过关系、结构、认知、文化等嵌入形式嵌入到大学的治理当中。并且掌握适度的嵌入程度,再加上完整健全的法律法规作为保障,可以使对教师参与大学治理的研究得到有效的落实和发展。
[Abstract]:At present, teachers' participation in university governance is the implementation of an important embodiment of democratic management in Colleges and universities. Teachers participate in the primary purpose of treatment is to enable teachers to participate in the formulation of effective governance to enhance their sense of belonging to the school and a sense of identity, encouraging teachers work enthusiasm, make contribution to promote the development of university organization. The theoretical analysis and the system of a large number of professors to develop, the university teachers in the organization's status has become increasingly prominent. However, the practice shows the reality of teachers' participation in the University, joined the academic rights bureaucratical organizations will affect the balance of the system, the differences between interest groups, teachers' internal factors, resulting in governance teachers participate in the university can not be effectively implemented. So build a reasonable and effective mechanism of teachers' participation in university governance is the realistic problem to be solved.
By using social network analysis and network governance theory, this paper re examines the attributes and positions of teachers in universities, and provides new ideas for the mechanism research of teachers' participation in university governance. The full text is divided into six parts.
The first part of this paper research questions and research significance are introduced. The research on participation in university governance problems of the teachers, through a simple necessity of the governance of the University and teachers' participation in governance, and put forward the need to be embedded into the university teachers to the issue of governance mechanism. Then summarized the study of teachers' participation in school governance at home and abroad. Summarize the current research on this problem is limited to theoretical analysis, the real use of further to the specific implementation of the actual system has not been established. Finally, expounds the innovation of this paper.
The second part is to describe the relevant basic theory. This paper is based on the perspective of network governance, governance of the University Organization for research. So this part of the information relating to the network governance theory to organize shows respectively. This paper introduces the connotation of network governance, stakeholder theory, embedded theory and the characteristic of the organization.
The third part describes the basic situation and dilemma of our teachers' participation in university governance. By referring to the relevant laws, find out the Chinese teachers' participation in university governance. Based on analysis of existing legal protection in other scholars on the summary today the teacher role in the University and to participate in the university governance scope and degree. In addition, further analysis of the teachers to participate in the governance of the negative impact of the development of the university play a role in promoting.
The fourth part analyzes the teachers' participation in the governance system in American universities and Its Enlightenment to China. Firstly, the main characteristics of the university governance analysis, obtained in the United States in the university governance governance plays an important significance. Secondly, a special by American Governance in the test are described. The advancement of professors Professor, established the association to participate in the common governance. Then the effect of Professor affirmed, put forward the prospects for our teachers to participate in university governance. And in the process of governance in Chinese universities can be introduced through the analysis of the network governance mechanism of CO governance and network governance convergence.
The fifth part elaborates on the mechanism of teachers' participation in network governance in the core research area of this paper. It analyzes the adaptation mechanism, trust mechanism, coordination mechanism, integration mechanism and maintenance mechanism of teachers' participation in university network governance respectively.
The sixth part is mainly the summary of this study and the analysis of the shortcomings.
The conclusion of this paper is the construction of teachers' participation in university governance mechanism is the basic guarantee for college teachers to participate in the decision-making. The theory of network governance mechanism applicable to teachers' participation in governance. As the stakeholders of university teachers, through the relationship, structure, cognition, governance culture embedding form embedded into the University. And the embedded master the scale, coupled with a complete and perfect laws and regulations as a guarantee, can make the study of teachers' participation in university governance has been implemented and effective.



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