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发布时间:2018-02-22 07:16

  本文关键词: 新媒体 大学生 媒介素养 媒介素养教育 出处:《南京师范大学》2011年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:随着大众传播业的迅速发展,传媒对受众的影响日益增强。新媒体时代的互联网以其多元性、娱乐性、互动性和虚拟性吸引着大学生群体,迅速成为他们最重要的信息渠道,并深刻的影响着他们的行为习惯。学生群体在网民比例中占到三分之一以上,而其中又以高校大学生为主要人群,高校里完备的硬件设施、完善的网络建设等诸多客观因素,决定了大学生群体对新媒体的依赖性最强。面对多种传媒平台带来的庞杂纷繁的信息,大学生的媒介素养相应需具达到更高的水平。通过对在校大学生开展媒介素养教育,帮助大学生提高认识传媒、选择和接触传媒的能力,能够正确解读、甄别和判断传媒提供的信息,并且充分有效地利用大众传媒发展自我。 本文立足在新媒体时代所引发的传媒和社会变革的基础之上,综合各项调查数据,分析了我国大学生媒介素养及接受媒介素养教育的现状、存在的问题以及开展媒介素养教育的必要性,提出在新媒体环境下分别针对传统媒体和新媒体的媒介素养理念调整,并最终形成政府、媒体和高校三者配合协作构建媒介素养教育体系的实践策略。本文正是为使大学生群体与大众传媒之间形成良性发展,同时为媒介素养教育体系的架构提出有益之策。
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of mass communication industry, the influence of the media on the audience is increasing day by day. The Internet in the new media era attracts the college students with its diversity, entertainment, interactivity and hypocrisy, and quickly becomes their most important information channel. And it has a profound impact on their behavior habits. The student group accounts for more than 1/3 of the Internet users, and among them, the college students are the main group, the complete hardware facilities in the university, the perfect network construction, and many other objective factors. In the face of the numerous and complicated information brought by various media platforms, the media literacy of college students needs to reach a higher level. To help college students improve their ability to understand the media, choose and contact with the media, can correctly interpret, identify and judge the information provided by the media, and make full and effective use of the mass media to develop themselves. Based on the media and social changes caused by the new media era, this paper analyzes the current situation of media literacy and media literacy education of college students in China. The existing problems and the necessity of carrying out media literacy education are proposed to adjust the concept of media literacy to traditional media and new media respectively under the new media environment, and finally to form a government. Media and universities cooperate with each other to construct the practical strategy of media literacy education system. This paper is to make the healthy development between the college students and the mass media, at the same time, to put forward the beneficial measures for the framework of the media literacy education system.


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