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发布时间:2018-02-24 02:44

  本文关键词: 儒家道德观 继承 越南 大学生 出处:《高等教育研究》2013年07期  论文类型:期刊论文

[Abstract]:Through the analysis of the actual investigation data on the inheritance of the Confucian ethics of the contemporary Vietnamese college students, we can see that the contemporary Vietnamese college students have a very high degree of acceptance of Confucian ethics, and the college students surveyed generally think that, The promotion of Confucian ethics can provide spiritual and intellectual support to the construction of a harmonious society, and at the same time they have a high evaluation of the moral and cultural contribution of Confucian ethics. In 21th century, Confucian ethics will still be an important part of the moral system of Vietnamese college students. In addition, Vietnamese college students also reflect on and question the adaptability of Confucian ethics in the contemporary Vietnamese society.
【作者单位】: 西南大学教育学部;


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