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发布时间:2018-02-24 06:05

  本文关键词: 大学生 集体主义 价值观 变迁 出处:《东北林业大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:大学生作为当代青年最杰出的代表,是实现全面建设小康社会和实现社会主义现代化两大宏伟目标的主力军和生力军,是社会主义和谐社会建设的中坚力量。他们的思想道德素质尤其是集体主义价值观的树立和发展将直接影响到我国社会主义建设事业的成败。把握大学生集体主义价值观发展变迁的轨迹,影响因素及培养对策,对于提高大学生集体主义价值观教育的时效性,促进巾国特色社会主义文化建设有极其重要的意义。准确地理解和科学地把握集体主义的真实涵义是对大学生进行集体主义培养的基础。改革开放以来,中国社会无论从政治或是经济都发生的深刻的改革,新时期下,大学生的集体主义价值观的树立和培养也面临新的挑战。本文从四个方面研究改革开放以来大学生集体主义价值观的发展,探寻其发展轨迹,研究其内在规律及影响因素,从而探寻出新时期下加强大学生集体主义价值观的方法,具有重要的理论意义以及现实意义。 准确而科学地把握集体主义价值观的科学内涵是进行集体主义价值观培养的基础,随着时代的发展,集体主义也被赋予新的时代主题,在当前的社会主义市场经济条件下,人们的利益关系发生了深刻的变化,新形势下的集体主义应该坚持社会集体利益高于个人利益,同时充分肯定个人利益的合理性,努力将集体主义同个人主义结合起来,最终达到个人利益与集体利益和谐发展的目的。 回顾改革开放以来大学生集体主义价值观的变迁,可以从中看出,大学生价值观年的变化与时代的发展是相契合的。自改革开放以来,中社会发生了深刻的社会变革,经济体制转轨,外来文化大量涌入,使得大学生集体主义价值观受到极大的影响,大学生作为时代的感知者,以极其敏锐的洞察力和学习力,印证着时代的变迁。从全盘西化到对中国传统文化中精华部分的重视,从教条地坚持集体主义到理解集体主义科学内涵,表现出了“日新月异”的欣喜变化,大学生的集体主义价值观朝着更加理性更加多元化的方向发展。 随着我国改革开放的持续稳定深入发展,飞速发展的市场经济使得大学生集体主义价值观的树立和培养也面临前所未有的挑战,全球化,市场化,网络化浪潮对大学生集体主义价值观产生了巨大的冲击和影响。文章从大学生集体主义价值观的实现机制、培养原则、实现途径三方面探寻新形势下大学生集体主义价值观的培养对策,有利于激发大学生的使命感、责任感和凝聚力,提高大学生的民族自豪感和认同感,有利于促进人与集体、与国家的有效结合、协调发展,使我国在社会主义进程中突破重重考验,实现中华民族的伟大复兴。
[Abstract]:As the most outstanding representative of the contemporary youth, college students are the main force and the fresh force to realize the two grand goals of building a well-off society in an all-round way and realizing the socialist modernization. Their ideological and moral quality, especially the establishment and development of collectivist values, will directly affect the success or failure of socialist construction in our country. Grasp the collective master of college students. The track of the development and change of justice and values, The influencing factors and the training countermeasures can improve the timeliness of the education of collectivism values of college students. It is of great significance to promote the construction of socialist culture with national characteristics. To understand and scientifically grasp the true meaning of collectivism is the basis for the cultivation of collectivism among college students. The profound reforms that have taken place in Chinese society, both politically and economically, in the new period, The establishment and cultivation of college students' collectivism values also face new challenges. This paper studies the development of college students' collectivism values from four aspects, explores its development track, studies its internal laws and influencing factors. Therefore, it is of great theoretical and practical significance to explore ways to strengthen the values of collectivism of college students in the new period. Accurately and scientifically grasping the scientific connotation of collectivism values is the basis of collectivism values cultivation. With the development of the times, collectivism is also given a new theme of the times, under the current conditions of socialist market economy, The relationship between people's interests has undergone profound changes. Under the new situation, collectivism should insist that social collective interests prevail over individual interests, at the same time fully affirm the rationality of individual interests, and strive to combine collectivism with individualism. Finally, to achieve the goal of harmonious development between individual interests and collective interests. Looking back at the changes in college students' collectivism values since the reform and opening up, we can see that the changes of college students' values are in line with the development of the times. Since the reform and opening up, profound social changes have taken place in the Chinese society, With the transition of economic system and the influx of foreign culture, the values of collectivism of college students are greatly affected. As the perceptors of the times, college students have a keen insight and learning ability. Confirming the change of the times. From the overall westernization to the emphasis on the essence of Chinese traditional culture, from dogmatic adherence to collectivism to understanding the scientific connotation of collectivism, it shows a happy change of "rapid change". The collectivism values of college students develop towards more rational and diversified direction. With the continuous and steady development of China's reform and opening up, the rapid development of the market economy makes the establishment and cultivation of college students' collectivism values face unprecedented challenges, globalization, marketization, The network tide has had a great impact and influence on college students' collectivism values. It is helpful to stimulate the sense of mission, sense of responsibility and cohesion of college students, to improve their sense of national pride and identity, and to promote people and collectives. The effective combination with the country and the coordinated development will make our country break through all kinds of tests in the socialist process and realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.


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