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发布时间:2018-02-24 06:20

  本文关键词: 学生参与 大学治理 机制 出处:《东北财经大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:在大学内部治理中,学生是最主要的利益相关者,学生参与也向来是西方国家大学治校的重要手段。相比而言,我国大学治理中学生参与问题一直以来并未受到应有的重视,各方面的实践尚处于探索阶段,没有形成一整套成熟的参与机制。随着大学管理制度的不断改革和完善,我国学生已经不仅仅作为“被管理者”接受学校的管理,而是期待拥有更多的参与大学治理的机会,尤其在涉及学生利益的重大问题上获得参与决策的权力。这一方面是由于经济和社会的发展极大改善了民主政治的外部环境,学生群体的民主意识以及对自身主体地位的认知也逐步深化,为学生参与大学治理创造了土壤;另一方面,大学是国家创新体系中的核心力量,其内部利益相关者的诉求和权利得到越来越多的重视,特别是嵌入性理论和网络治理等现代组织与管理理论在高等教育领域的应用,为落实学生参与治校提供了理论和方法上的支撑。本文力图通过理论分析和调查研究,找出当前我国学生参与大学治理存在的深层次问题及原因。在借鉴西方国家实践经验的基础上,运用大学网络治理的理论框架,构建适合我国学生参与大学治理的机制,并为参与机制的最终落实提供积极的建议。 全文共分为六个章节。 第一章绪论简要介绍了学生参与大学治理的研究背景,并对核心概念进行界定。通过已有文献的综述和分析,明确学生参与大学治理相关问题的研究现状。 第二章是本文理论基础,阐述了利益相关者理论和网络治理理论的兴起及其在高等教育领域的应用,为全文的展开打下铺垫。 第三章是西方国家学生参与大学治理的实践研究,通过梳理美国以及欧洲主要国家学生参与大学治理的实践,归纳出其对我国具有借鉴意义之处。 第四章以三所大学中的学生为研究对象,通过调查问卷来分析我国学生参与大学治理的现状。问卷共选取了五个维度,详细调查了目前我国学生参与大学治理的意识、动机、行为、影响因素以及效果,并在调查数据的基础上揭示出目前存在的深层次问题及成因。 第五章着力探讨我国学生参与大学治理的机制构建。在明确参与内容的基础上,运用网络治理的理论分析框架,提出通过多元化的嵌入方式构建学生参与机制,并对关系嵌入、结构嵌入和认识嵌入三种嵌入形式的具体途径做详细的分析。 最后一章基于上文研究,提出相应的政策性建议。
[Abstract]:In the internal governance of universities, students are the most important stakeholders, and student participation has always been an important means of university administration in western countries. In contrast, the participation of middle school students in university governance in our country has not been given due attention. All aspects of the practice are still in the exploratory stage, without a set of mature participation mechanism. With the continuous reform and improvement of the university management system, the students in our country have not only accepted the school management as "the manager". Looking forward to greater opportunities for participation in university governance, especially on major issues of interest to students, in particular the right to participate in decision-making, in part because economic and social development has greatly improved the external environment for democratic politics, The democratic consciousness of the student group and the cognition of its main position are also gradually deepened, which has created the soil for students to participate in the university governance; on the other hand, the university is the core force in the national innovation system. More and more attention has been paid to the demands and rights of its internal stakeholders, especially the application of modern organization and management theory, such as embedding theory and network governance, in the field of higher education. This paper tries to provide theoretical and methodological support for the implementation of students' participation in school management. This paper finds out the deep problems and causes of students' participation in university governance in our country at present. On the basis of drawing lessons from the practical experience of western countries and using the theoretical framework of university network governance, it constructs a mechanism suitable for our country's students to participate in university governance. And provide positive suggestions for the final implementation of the participation mechanism. The full text is divided into six chapters. The first chapter briefly introduces the research background of student participation in university governance and defines the core concepts. The second chapter is the theoretical basis of this paper. It expounds the rise of stakeholder theory and network governance theory and its application in the field of higher education, laying the groundwork for the full text. The third chapter is a practical study of students' participation in university governance in western countries. By combing the practice of students' participation in university governance in the United States and Europe, the author concludes that it has reference significance for our country. Chapter 4th takes the students of three universities as the research object, and analyzes the present situation of the students' participation in university governance through questionnaire. The questionnaire selects five dimensions, and investigates the consciousness and motivation of the students' participation in university governance in detail. Behavior, influencing factors and effects. Based on the survey data, this paper reveals the existing deep problems and causes. Chapter 5th focuses on the construction of the mechanism of student participation in university governance in China. On the basis of defining the content of participation, using the theoretical analysis framework of network governance, the author proposes to construct the mechanism of student participation through multiple embedding methods. The specific approaches of relational embedding, structural embedding and cognitive embedding are analyzed in detail. Finally, based on the above study, the last chapter puts forward the corresponding policy recommendations.


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