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发布时间:2018-02-25 02:33

  本文关键词: 法制 法治社会 思想政治教育 高校法制教育 大学生 出处:《河北科技大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:大学生是祖国的栋梁,是法治社会的重要主体和主要的推动力量。大学生法律素质的高低,直接关系到我国社会主义法治社会建设的成败。高校担负着培养新世纪人才的历史使命,对大学生法律意识的提高、法律信仰的树立和法律思维的培植,都有着重大的决定作用。所以,加强高校法制教育的效果,已经成为了全社会和高校一致关注的重大课题。 本文主要从高校法制教育的理论和实践背景入手,阐述了开展高校法制教育路径研究的意义,并对当前国内外的研究性综述进行了分析和总结。在对“法制”、“法制教育”及相关概念进行科学界定的基础上,,对高校法制教育的定位和具体内涵进行了充分的阐述。并结合高校法制教育的历史改革,对高校法制教育现阶段的实施效果进行了深层次的研究,具体分析了当前高校法制教育取得的成绩和存在的问题及原因。在充分借鉴了国外高校法制教育成功经验的前提下,探索对我国高校进行法制教育路径改革和完善的主要措施。 高校法制教育自身有着明显的特点,本文认为高校法制教育要在思想政治教育的视阈下发展,结合自身优势并充分吸取国外先进经验,更新法制教育培养理念、改革和创新法制教育教学方法、增加实践环节并构建良好的法制氛围。高校要创新并完善我国高校法制教育路径,以增强高校法制教育工作的实效性,最终推动我国社会主义法治化国家的建设。
[Abstract]:College students are the pillars of the motherland, the important subject and the main driving force of the society ruled by law. It is directly related to the success or failure of the construction of socialist society ruled by law in our country. Colleges and universities shoulder the historical mission of cultivating talents in the new century, improve the legal consciousness of college students, establish the legal belief and cultivate the legal thinking. Therefore, strengthening the effect of legal education in colleges and universities has become a major issue that the whole society and universities have paid close attention to. This article mainly starts with the theoretical and practical background of the legal education in colleges and universities, and expounds the significance of the research on the path of the legal education in colleges and universities. Based on the scientific definition of "legal system", "legal education" and related concepts, the author analyzes and summarizes the current domestic and foreign research review. This paper fully expounds the orientation and concrete connotation of the legal education in colleges and universities, and, in combination with the historical reform of the legal education in colleges and universities, makes a deep research on the implementation effect of the legal education in colleges and universities at the present stage. This paper concretely analyzes the achievements, problems and reasons of the legal education in colleges and universities at present. On the premise of drawing on the successful experience of the legal education in foreign universities, this paper explores the main measures to reform and perfect the path of the legal education in colleges and universities of our country. The legal education in colleges and universities has its own obvious characteristics. This paper holds that the legal education in colleges and universities should develop from the perspective of ideological and political education, combine its own advantages and fully absorb the advanced experience of foreign countries, and renew the training concept of legal education. To reform and innovate the teaching methods of legal education, to increase the practical links and to build a good legal atmosphere, colleges and universities should innovate and perfect the path of legal education in our country in order to enhance the effectiveness of the work of legal education in colleges and universities. Finally, promote the construction of our socialist legalization country.


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