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发布时间:2018-02-25 05:21

  本文关键词: 大学生 思想品德 自主建构 教育引导 出处:《华中师范大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:大学生是社会主义现代化建设的重要力量,也是国家宝贵的人才资源。大学生的思想品德和道德素质状况不仅关乎个人的发展,而且对国家、对社会、对整个民族都具有重要的影响。然而,当今部分大学生的思想品德状况却与教育者和社会的期望有着较大的偏差,既不能促进自身的发展,也不能满足社会的需求。鉴于此,我们有必要根据大学生的实际特点和思想政治教育的一般规律,尊重大学生的主体性和个性,注重其思想品德的自主建构,使其自主、能动地生成和建构自身的思想品德。而为了保证建构过程的有序性和建构结果的合理性,需要教育者施加一定的教育影响,将大学生的思想品德自主建构与教育者的价值引导统一起来。 第一部分:导论。主要阐述了本选题的研究意义、国内外研究现状、研究思路和研究方法,对本文所涉及的相关核心概念进行了界定。 第二部分:论述了为什么要强调大学生思想品德自主建构,及大学生何以能够进行思想品德的自主建构,即必要性和可能性的分析。 第三部分:分析了当前大学生思想品德自主建构的现实特状况,发现存在着诸多问题,这就需要教育者的价值引导;继而分析了影响大学生思想品德自主建构的一些因素,主要包括社会环境、学校教育、大学生自身三个方面。 第四部分:提出了促进大学生思想品德自主建构的基本思路,既要在宏观上坚持主导性与多样性相统一、现实性与超越性相统一、连续性与阶段性相统一、科学性与人文性相统一的基本原则;又要在路径选择上,从理论讲授、实践活动、保障监督、评估测评四个方面推动大学生思想品德自主建构有序、合理的进行。
[Abstract]:College students are an important force in socialist modernization and a valuable talent resource for the country. The ideological and moral qualities of college students are not only related to the development of individuals, but also to the country and society. However, the ideological and moral status of some college students today is quite different from the expectations of educators and society, which can neither promote their own development nor meet the needs of society. According to the actual characteristics of college students and the general law of ideological and political education, it is necessary for us to respect the subjectivity and individuality of college students, pay attention to the independent construction of their ideological and moral character, and make them independent. In order to ensure the order of the construction process and the rationality of the construction result, educators need to exert certain educational influence. Unifying the ideological and moral self-construction of college students with the value guidance of educators. The first part: introduction. It mainly describes the significance of this topic, the current situation of research at home and abroad, research ideas and research methods, and defines the relevant core concepts involved in this paper. The second part discusses why to emphasize the independent construction of college students' ideological and moral character, and how college students can carry out the independent construction of ideological and moral character, that is, the analysis of necessity and possibility. The third part: it analyzes the actual situation of college students' ideological and moral autonomy construction, finds that there are many problems, which needs the value guidance of educators, and then analyzes some factors that affect the independent construction of college students' ideological and moral character. Mainly includes the social environment, the school education, the university student oneself three aspects. Part 4th: the author puts forward the basic idea of promoting the independent construction of college students' ideological and moral character, which should adhere to the unity of leading and diversity, the unity of reality and transcendence, the unity of continuity and stage, and the unity of continuity and stage. The basic principle of the unity of science and humanism is to promote the self-construction of college students' ideological and moral character in an orderly and reasonable way from four aspects: theoretical teaching, practical activities, security and supervision, evaluation and evaluation.


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