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发布时间:2018-02-25 08:12

  本文关键词: 独立学院 激励 激励机制 出处:《北京邮电大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:随着知识经济时代的到来,人民大众对高等教育的需求不断加大,高等教育从原来的精英教育走向了大众化。而公办的普通高等学校在招生层次和教育承载能力方面,不能满足越来越迫切的需求。独立学院作为新生的力量,以全新的办学模式出现在了历史的舞台。她是教育机制改革的重大的突破,有效的满足了高等教育大众化的需求,整合了高校和社会的力量进行办学,在合理运用办学资源,发展高等教育中发挥了重要的作用。 独立学院虽经历了近20年的发展,但由于其身份的特殊性,在管理过程中无可避免的出现了一些问题。对人的管理是管理的核心,独立学院教师属于对高级知识型人才,对他们的管理既能沿用普通高等学校的现成的经验,又不能完全套用,师资的管理成为独立学院发展自身首先需要解决的问题。 本文以激励理论为基础,结合目前高等院校的激励研究,采用问卷调研、文献研究等方法,并以S学院的实际情况为实例,针对独立学院教师激励机制的设计进行了研究。梳理总结了国内外激励激励理论,尤其是普通高等院校、民办院校和独立学院激励机制的研究状况。围绕这些理论,对独立学院激励现状进行分析,找到缺点与不足,以S学院为实例,给出了优化的方案。
[Abstract]:With the arrival of the era of knowledge economy, the demand for higher education is increasing, and higher education has moved from elite education to popularization. The independent college, as a freshman, has appeared on the stage of history with a new mode of running a school. It is a major breakthrough in the reform of the educational mechanism and effectively meets the needs of the popularization of higher education. It integrates the strength of university and society to run a school and plays an important role in the rational utilization of school resources and the development of higher education. Although the independent college has experienced the development of nearly 20 years, due to the particularity of its identity, there are some unavoidable problems in the management process. The management of people is the core of management, and the teachers of independent college belong to the senior knowledge talents. Their management can not only follow the off-the-shelf experience of ordinary colleges and universities, but also can not be completely applied. The management of teachers becomes the first problem that needs to be solved in the development of independent colleges. Based on the incentive theory, combining with the incentive research in colleges and universities at present, this paper adopts the methods of questionnaire investigation and literature research, and takes the actual situation of S college as an example. This paper studies the design of incentive mechanism for teachers in independent colleges and sums up the research status of incentive mechanisms at home and abroad, especially in colleges and universities, private colleges and independent colleges. This paper analyzes the current situation of incentive in independent colleges, finds out the shortcomings and shortcomings, and gives the optimized scheme by taking S college as an example.


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