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发布时间:2018-02-25 10:09

  本文关键词: 护理教育 专升本 课程设置 多轨制教学 出处:《山西医科大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:研究目的 通过调查,了解护理专业专升本学生、教师和部分护理教育专家对护理专业专升本课程设置的意见和建议,将调查结果结合实际情况进行分析,为下一步建立更为合理的护理专业专升本课程体系建设的提供参考依据。研究对象 山西医科大学2009级全日制护理专业专升本所有毕业生,2010级、2011级全日制护理专业专升本在读学生、山西省五所医学院校护理专业专升本的任课教师,护理学本科教育与高等专科教育主干课程教材,山西省五所医学院校护理专科与本科教育教学进程表。 研究方法 1.教学进程表的调查:对五所学校的开设科目和课时比例进行描述性统计分析 2.教材的调查:专科教育和专升本教育的护理主干课程应用教材进行对比。 3.对学生与教师进行课程开设必要性的调查,将课程分为普通基础课程,医学基础课程,护理专业课程3类。问卷采用Likert5级评分法计分,5=非常必要,4=必要,3=无所谓,2=不必要,1=非常不必要。学生与教师调查问卷只有一般资料不同。根据本次研采用SPSS17.0统计软件包对问卷调查结果资料进行统计学分析,主要包括F检验、SNK-q检验,t检验。 4.对参与调查的学生(2009级10名,2010级12名)进行访谈。 研究结果 1.在专科学习阶段,内外妇儿等护理专业主干课程用书均为人民卫生出版社的教材[1][2][3][4],专升本阶段教材采用的是人民卫生出版社护理学本科教材[5][6][7][8],对四门课程的两套教材进行比对,发现两套教材知识结构非常相似,大部分内容重复,本科阶段教材在内容方面稍有添加。 2.2009级学生表示,在护理专升本学习中,十个月的临床实习时间太长,同时他们建议,实习应安排在ICU,CCU,急诊等对护理要求较高、护理工作较复杂的科室进行。2009级与2010级两组学生均表示,第一学年的理论学习内容多,时间非常紧张。两个学期共学习15门课程,主干课程10门。 3.在调查的29门课程中,超过18门课程的调查结果出现了意见不一致的情况。例如《形势与政策》,,《法律基础》,《护理心理学》,《人际沟通》,《职业生涯规划》,《计算机应用》等。 4.专业基础课和专业课的比例大大高于国外的课程比例,人文课所占比例显示均低于10.42%,均远远低于国外的人文课比例。 5.专升本课程有大量科目与专科重复,例如内外妇儿、药理等,调查结果显示,此类课程占大量的理论课时,其中护理专业课程所占理论学时最低47.22%,最高83.33%。学生与教师认为开课必要性最高的几门课程是护理专业课的当中的《内科护理学》、《外科护理学》,《妇产科护理学》、《儿科护理学》、《急重症护理学》以及医学基础课当中的《人体解剖学》。学生访谈结果表明,这些课程虽然存在学习重复,但是还有继续学习的必要。 研究结论 1.护理专升本教育护理专业主干课程存在重复,根据调查结果,仍有开设的必要性。为避免相同程度的重复学习,可运用多轨制教学模式。 2.现用的课程设置未能体现全面发展的教育思想,德智体美中的美育对护理教育尤为重要,但是课程设置尚未体现。 3.护理专升本教育十个月的实习时间太长,实习内容未体现专升本教育的意义。结论为压缩实习时间,精选实习科室。 4.新的《规划》所罗列的重点培养专业人才,山西省五所高校的护理专升本教育课程设置中没有体现。 5.课程开设必要性的调查结果存在差异,取决于不同调查对象的经历与认识。对不同课程设置意见的处理,以采纳高年级学生的意见为主,同时,教师的不同意见作为重要参考 继续开展本研究的设想 1、多轨制教学法的具体实施问题。 2、针对护理专升本教育的培养目标与教学计划的制定问题。
[Abstract]:research objective
Through the investigation and understanding of the nursing professional college students, teachers and nursing education experts on nursing professional undergraduate courses of the opinions and suggestions, the survey results will be analyzed with the actual situation, the next step for the establishment of more reasonable and to provide reference for nursing undergraduate curriculum system construction of the research object.
All the graduates of grade 2009 of Shanxi Medical University full-time nursing professional college level 2010, level 2011 full-time nursing undergraduate students in reading, the teachers of nursing specialty in five medical colleges in Shanxi province college, teaching undergraduate education and college education courses of nursing, nursing care of five medical colleges in Shanxi province and process specialist the teaching of undergraduate education.
research method
1. the survey of the teaching process table: descriptive statistics and analysis of the opening subjects and hours in five schools
2. the investigation of the teaching materials: the comparison between the teaching materials of the main course of nursing and the main course of the special education.
The survey of 3. students and teachers of the curriculum necessity, the course will be divided into general basic courses, basic medical courses, nursing courses in 3 categories. The questionnaire with Likert5 grade score score, 5= is very necessary, necessary 4=, 3= no, 2= is not necessary, 1= is not necessary. Students and teachers questionnaire only general information. According to the research result of the questionnaire survey data were analyzed by SPSS17.0 statistical software, including F test, SNK-q test, t test.
4. interviews were conducted for students participating in the survey (grade 2009, 10, and class 2010, 12).
Research results
1. in college learning stage, main course of nursing women and children inside and outside such books are for the people's health publishing materials [1][2][3][4], undergraduate textbook is used in people's Health Publishing House nursing undergraduate textbook [5][6][7][8] for four courses of two sets of textbooks for comparison, found that the two sets of textbooks, the knowledge structure is very similar to that of most of the contents of repetition undergraduate teaching materials in the content increases slightly.
2.2009 grade students said in nursing undergraduate study, ten months' clinical practice time is too long, and they suggest that the practice should be arranged in the ICU, CCU, and other higher requirements for emergency nursing, nursing department of complex.2009 and 2010 students in two groups have said that the first year of the theory learning content, time is very tight. Two semester learning 15 courses, 10 courses.
3., in the 29 courses surveyed, there were disagreements among the survey results of over 18 courses. For example, < situation and policy > < law basis > < nursing psychology > > interpersonal communication > < career planning > > < Computer Application >.
4., the proportion of professional basic courses and specialized courses is much higher than that of foreign courses. The proportion of humanities courses is less than 10.42%, which is far lower than the proportion of humanities courses abroad.




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