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发布时间:2018-02-25 15:30

  本文关键词: 欠发达地区 师范院校 教师自我效能感 师范生 一般自我效能感 出处:《河北师范大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:自我效能理论是Bandura提出的社会认知理论中的重要部分。自我效能是人们对自己的处理事务所需能力的信念,涉及人类行为的控制和调节的各个方面,直接影响到在活动中人们怎样思维、怎样感觉和怎样行动。近年来相关研究已成为研究的热点之一。因此,对自我效能的有关影响因素进行研究可以为提高个体自我效能的研究提供思路,具有重要参考价值。 师范院校是教师的摇篮,其教师担负着培养未来教育者的重任,因此,研究师范院教师的自我效能感有着重要的意义。师范院校教师的教学、科研、技能发展等各个方面无不影响着师范生的自我效能感。自我效能感高的教师对自己更加有信心,更勇于挑战机遇,克服各种困难。自我效能感低的教师则过多想到个人能力经验方面不足,并将潜在的困难想象的比现实中更严重,,将其注意力更多地转移向畏惧、恐慌,最终导致不利的后果。 作为准教师的师范生,教育理念主要在大学阶段形成。虽然师范生可以通过多种渠道和媒介获得各种教育知识和理论,但要使教育理念转化为一种教育哲学,实现教育理念向教育信念的转变,还依赖于教师的教育活动,而教师的自我效能感正是在教学过程,通过行为举止、言语表情等方式传达给师范生,使师范生慢慢形成自己的教师自我效能感。 本研究主要目的是研究经济欠发达地区师范院校教师的自我效能感和师范生的自我效能感现状,及其两者的相互关系。在研究了大量的中外文献后,在已有量表的基础上,编制了适合师范院级教师的、具有较高信度教师自我效能感量表。调查对象为衡水学院(原名:衡水师范专科学校)和衡水学院分校的191名教师,及其在各位教师对应的自然班级中,随机抽选的5至10名的学生(共计789名)。通过走访和调查问卷的方式,对调查对象进行了调研。本研究主要分析经济欠发达地区师范院校教师自我效能感在性别、年龄、学历、教龄、职称、学院类别上的差异;师范生一般自我效能感在性别、专业、生源地、年级和学业性质上的差异;以及该地区师范院校教师自我效能感与师范生一般自我效能感的相关性。 最终研究结果表明:欠发达地区师范院校的教师自我效能感整体水平较高。其中男性教师的自我效能感水平在教学、科研两个方面要高于女性教师;不同学历的教师自我效能感存在显著差异;不同职称的教师自我效能感在教学方面存在显著差异;教师自我效能感水平因学校类型不同产生显著差异。 欠发达地区师范生的一般自我效能感性别差异显著;来自城市的师范生与来自农村的师范生相比,前者的一般自我效能感水平较高;本科师范生的一般自我效能感水平要高于专科师范生。 欠发达地区师范院校教师自我效能感中的教学、技能发展两个分量与师范生自我效能感显著正向相关。
[Abstract]:Self-efficacy theory is an important part of the social cognitive theory put forward by Bandura. Self-efficacy is people's belief in their ability to handle affairs, which involves all aspects of the control and regulation of human behavior. It has a direct impact on how people think, feel and act in their activities. In recent years, related research has become one of the hot spots. The research on the influencing factors of self-efficacy can provide ideas for the study of individual self-efficacy and has important reference value. Normal colleges are the cradle of teachers, and their teachers shoulder the important task of cultivating future educators. Therefore, it is of great significance to study teachers' self-efficacy. All aspects of skills development affect teachers' sense of self-efficacy. Teachers with high sense of self-efficacy have more confidence in themselves and have more courage to challenge opportunities. Teachers with low self-efficacy tend to think too much about their personal ability and experience deficiencies, and think of potential difficulties as more serious than in reality, and shift their attention more to fear, panic, and ultimately to adverse consequences. As a prospective teacher, the educational idea is mainly formed in the university stage. Although the normal school students can obtain various kinds of educational knowledge and theory through various channels and media, they should transform the educational idea into an educational philosophy. The transformation from educational concept to educational belief depends on teachers' educational activities, and teachers' sense of self-efficacy is conveyed to normal students through behavior and expression. So that normal students slowly form their own sense of teacher self-efficacy. The main purpose of this study is to study the current situation of teachers' self-efficacy and teachers' self-efficacy of normal college students in economically underdeveloped areas, and the relationship between them. A self-efficacy scale for teachers with high reliability was developed. 191 teachers from Hengshui Institute (formerly known as Hengshui Teachers College) and Hengshui College Branch were investigated. And the 5 to 10 students (a total of 789) randomly selected in the natural classes corresponding to the teachers, through visits and questionnaires, This study mainly analyzes the differences of teachers' self-efficacy in gender, age, academic background, teaching age, professional title and college category in less developed areas, the general sense of self-efficacy of normal college students is gender. The differences of major, student origin, grade and academic quality, and the correlation between teachers' self-efficacy and normal college students' general self-efficacy. The final results show that the overall level of teachers' self-efficacy is higher in less developed teachers' colleges and universities, in which the level of male teachers' self-efficacy is higher than that of female teachers in two aspects: teaching and scientific research; There are significant differences in teachers' self-efficacy among different academic qualifications, significant differences in teaching self-efficacy among teachers with different professional titles, and significant differences in teachers' self-efficacy levels due to different types of schools. The general self-efficacy of normal students in less developed areas is significantly different from that of normal students from rural areas, and the general self-efficacy level of normal students from urban areas is higher than that of normal students from rural areas. The level of general self-efficacy of normal college students is higher than that of normal college students. The two components of teachers' self-efficacy in teachers' colleges and universities in underdeveloped areas are positively correlated with teachers' self-efficacy.


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