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发布时间:2018-02-25 18:00

  本文关键词: 运动训练专业 就业意向 就业观念 人力资本 出处:《武汉体育学院》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:随着我国精英教育向大众教育的转变,毕业生数量的增加,大学生就业难已经成为当今社会的热点话题。总得来说,大学毕业生具有较高的人力资本水平,属于劳动力市场上的强势群体。但随着知识经济与全球化发展的影响,大学毕业生初次与持续就业所需的能力门坎逐年提高,但现在的教育培训体系缺少必要的就业市场需求向导,缺乏对大学毕业生就业行为的深入研究,高等教育培养出来的大学生毕业生在技能和知识结构上与人才市场的需求存在着严重的问题,大学生毕业生就业的结构不够完善。 我国目前有72所高校开设运动训练专业,,但是,每年运动训练专业的毕业生就业形势不容乐观,本研究通过对我国运动训练专业毕业生的就业意向进行调查,探讨运动训练专业大学毕业生就业中存在的问题和影响因素,提出促进我国运动训练专业毕业生就业对策,以期对我国运动训练专业毕业生的就业有积极的帮助。 本文的研究主要采用了文献资料法、专家访谈法、调查法、数理统计法和逻辑法等研究方法,研究结果表明:我国运动训练专业学生就业时就业区域的选择分别是长三角地区占22%、珠三角地区占20%、京津冀地区占18%、中部大城市占14%、东北三省占12%、西部大城市占9%、其它地区占5%。薪酬的考虑、为找工作准备花费的钱、获得就业信息的途径、就业时参照的意见、对自己专业技能的要求、毕业生个人对就业信息的关注等一系列的因素。就业由于受到政府、用人单位、就业指导部门、毕业生本人等多种因素的影响。我国运动训练专业毕业生就业难,而且就业形势相当严峻。国家急需通过就业状况落实就业政策、加强市场化建设、完善大学生就业体系,以促进就业指导的全面化,解决大学毕业生的后顾之忧;同时,通过引导大学生提高自身实践能力和素质,以促进学生主动学习文化、掌握技能,引导大学生树立正确的就业观,转变就业观念,以解决当前我国运动训练专业学生就业难的问题。
[Abstract]:With the transformation of elite education to mass education and the increase of the number of graduates, the difficulty of finding employment for college students has become a hot topic in the society. In general, college graduates have a high level of human capital. They belong to a strong group in the labor market. But with the impact of knowledge economy and globalization, the ability of college graduates to obtain employment for the first time and continuously increases year by year. However, the current education and training system lacks the necessary guidance of the job market demand and the in-depth study of the employment behavior of college graduates. There are serious problems in the skills and knowledge structure between the graduates of higher education and the demand of the talent market, and the employment structure of the graduates is not perfect enough. At present, there are 72 colleges and universities in China offering sports training major. However, the employment situation of the graduates of sports training major is not optimistic every year. This study investigates the employment intention of the graduates of sports training major in our country. This paper probes into the problems and influencing factors existing in the employment of college graduates majoring in sports training, and puts forward some countermeasures to promote the employment of graduates majoring in sports training in China, with a view to providing positive help to the employment of graduates majoring in sports training. This paper mainly adopts the methods of literature, expert interview, investigation, mathematical statistics and logic, etc. The results show that the choice of employment area for sports training students in China is 22 in Yangtze River Delta, 20 in Pearl River Delta, 18 in Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei, 14 in central cities, 12 in northeast provinces and 12 in western cities. Other regions account for 5% of salary considerations, A series of factors, such as the money spent in preparing for a job, the way to obtain employment information, the opinions consulted during employment, the requirements for one's own professional skills, and the personal attention of graduates to employment information, and so on. Employment guidance departments, graduates themselves and other factors. It is difficult for the graduates of sports training major in our country to obtain employment, and the employment situation is very serious. The state urgently needs to implement employment policies through employment conditions and strengthen the construction of marketization. To improve the employment system of college students, to promote the comprehensive employment guidance, to solve the worries of college graduates, at the same time, to promote the students' active learning culture and skills by guiding them to improve their practical ability and quality. To guide college students to set up a correct view of employment and change their concept of employment in order to solve the problem of the difficulty of obtaining employment for the students majoring in sports training in our country at present.


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