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发布时间:2018-02-25 23:04

  本文关键词: 远程培训 教师专业发展 交互学习 对策 出处:《河北师范大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:在“教书者先强己,育人者先律己”不断被人们提及的时候,教师培训又一次次被推到了风口浪尖。它担负着推进新课程改革、全面实现素质教育的新的历史使命。教师的学习不是一个职前师范教育就能完成的,而是需要职前教育和职后教育一体化、系统化、科学化和专业化的教育。教师培训作为教师专业发展的主要途径,担负着全面实现素质教育的新的历史使命。 河北省已经连续开展了中小学教师全员远程培训有5个年头,全员远程培训打破了传统集中培训一刀切、齐步走、重理论、轻实践的定势。它具有参与全员性、课程设置发展性、学员学习灵活性、培训智能性和指导教师服务性的特点,在最大程度上发挥网络的优势,以学员学习为主线,通过视频专家授课、在线研讨、提交作业、互评互学的形式进行教师培训。远程研修有效促进了教师专业发展。但是这种全新的教师培训模式,尚处于探索实践的阶段,,并没有形成完善的理论体系,其背后积极的作用也没有充分地被挖掘,因此分析和研究河北省中小学全员远程培训对新课改教师培训将有着积极的作用。 本文通过问卷调查法和文本分析法深入分析河北省中小学教师全员远程培训的结构、特点以及存在的问题,并从改进培训内容,加强学习的交互性以及建立长期的后续支持等几个方面提出了对策。以保证中小学教师全员远程培训的质量和效果,促进教师专业化和基础教育的优化改革。
[Abstract]:When "the teacher strengthens oneself first, educates the person first law oneself" time and again, the teacher training has been pushed to the top of the wave again and again. It is responsible for pushing forward the new curriculum reform. To realize the new historical mission of quality-oriented education in an all-round way, teachers' learning is not something that can be accomplished by one pre-service teacher education, but requires the integration and systematization of pre-service education and post-vocational education. As the main way of teachers' professional development, teacher training is shouldering the new historical mission of realizing quality-oriented education in an all-round way. Hebei Province has been carrying out all-staff distance training for primary and secondary school teachers for five years. It has broken the stereotype of traditional centralized training, which is one-size-fits-all, one-size-fits-all, emphasizing theory, and neglecting practice. It has the character of participating in the whole staff. The characteristics of curriculum development, students' learning flexibility, training intelligence and guidance teachers' service are to give full play to the advantages of the network to the greatest extent, to take the students' learning as the main line, to teach, discuss and submit homework online through video experts. Teacher training is conducted in the form of mutual evaluation and mutual learning. Distance training has effectively promoted the professional development of teachers. However, this brand new teacher training model is still in the stage of exploration and practice, and has not formed a perfect theoretical system. The positive role behind it has not been fully excavated, so the analysis and study of the whole distance training of primary and secondary schools in Hebei Province will play a positive role in the training of teachers in the new curriculum reform. This paper analyzes the structure, characteristics and existing problems of all-staff distance training of primary and middle school teachers in Hebei Province by means of questionnaire and text analysis, and improves the training content. In order to ensure the quality and effect of distance training for teachers in primary and secondary schools, and to promote the teachers' specialization and the optimization of basic education, the countermeasures are put forward to strengthen the interactivity of learning and establish long-term follow-up support.


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