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发布时间:2018-02-26 01:14

  本文关键词: 校园文化 马克思主义文化理论 和谐文化 文化价值观 出处:《西南石油大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:纵观我国高校在校园文化的实践及其探索,改革开放三十年来,各个高校都比较重视校园文化建设,大学校园文化作为社会文化的敏感点,其建设从内容到形式,从方法到手段不断探索与尝试,已初具规模,初有建树。但随着社会主义市场经济蓬勃发展,我国改革开放的步伐不断加大,新时期的高校校园文化建设较之过去相对封闭的校园则受到了比较明显的冲击,大学生的思想观念也发生了明显变化,导致大学生思想变化的因素之。 基于上述,本文立足马克思主义文化价值观为理论指导,对我国当前高校的校园文化建设及其发展进行了分析论述,在文章撰写阶段,笔者本着理论结合实际,通过实践调研等对我国当前的校园文化建设进行了了解,并运用马克思主义文化理论就其当前校园文化建设中存在的问题及不足进行了分析,最后在马克思文化理论的指导下,就如何构建新时期高校校园文化、营造和谐校园文化氛围提出了一些对策和建议,为促进高校德育建设的完善、帮助大学生树立正确的价值观做出了一定的贡献和研究尝试。
[Abstract]:Throughout the practice and exploration of campus culture in colleges and universities in our country, since the reform and opening up 30 years ago, every university has paid more attention to the construction of campus culture. As a sensitive point of social culture, the construction of university campus culture is from content to form. With the vigorous development of the socialist market economy, the pace of China's reform and opening up has been continuously increased. Compared with the past relatively closed campus construction in the new era the construction of campus culture in colleges and universities has been obviously impacted and the ideological concept of college students has also changed obviously which is the factor leading to the ideological change of college students. Based on the above, this paper, based on Marxist cultural values, analyzes and discusses the construction and development of campus culture in colleges and universities in our country. In the writing stage of the article, the author combines theory with practice. Through the practical investigation and investigation, this paper has carried on the understanding to our country's current campus culture construction, and has carried on the analysis to its current campus culture construction question and the insufficiency by using the Marxism culture theory, finally under the guidance of the Marx culture theory, This paper puts forward some countermeasures and suggestions on how to construct university campus culture and create harmonious campus culture atmosphere in the new period, and makes some contributions and research attempts to promote the perfection of moral education construction in colleges and universities and to help college students set up correct values.


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