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发布时间:2018-02-26 12:05

  本文关键词: 孔子 道德教育 大学生 出处:《暨南大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:由于我国正处于社会转型期,,市场经济快速发展的同时也产生了许多社会道德问题,这给大学生道德教育的发展带来了许多新的问题和难题。而孔子作为我国伟大的教育家和思想家,其道德教育思想是我国优秀传统文化的重要组成部分,对大学生道德品质的形成有积极影响,对我国高校道德教育的发展也有很大的促进作用。本文从整理、归纳孔子的道德教育思想入手,针对当前我国大学生道德教育存在的问题,试从孔子的道德教育目标、教育内容和教育方法三个维度为大学生道德教育发展提供新的思路,以提高大学生道德教育的实效性和推动大学生道德教育的发展。 本文一共分为五个部分:第一部分:导论。包括研究目的和意义、国内外研究现状、研究方法和创新之处、核心概念诠释。第二部分:孔子道德教育思想概述。主要是从孔子的道德教育目标、道德教育内容和道德教育方法三个维度对孔子的道德教育思想进行详细阐述。第三部分:大学生道德教育存在的问题分析。主要从大学生道德教育的目标、内容和方法三个方面分析当前我国高校道德教育存在的问题。第四部分:孔子道德教育思想对大学生道德教育的启示。具体表现在对高校道德教育完善目标、丰富内容和改进方法三个方面的启示。
[Abstract]:As our country is in the period of social transformation, the rapid development of the market economy has also produced many social and moral problems. This has brought many new problems and problems to the development of moral education for college students. As a great educator and thinker of our country, Confucius' moral education thought is an important part of the excellent traditional culture of our country. It has a positive influence on the formation of moral quality of college students, and also has a great role in promoting the development of moral education in colleges and universities in China. In view of the problems existing in the moral education of college students in our country, this paper tries to provide a new way of thinking for the development of moral education of college students from the three dimensions of Confucius' moral education goal, educational content and educational methods. In order to improve the effectiveness of moral education of college students and promote the development of moral education of college students. This paper is divided into five parts: the first part: introduction, including the purpose and significance of the research, domestic and foreign research status, research methods and innovations, Explanation of the Core Concepts. Part two: the outline of Confucius' moral Education. Three dimensions of moral education contents and methods are elaborated on Confucius' thought of moral education. Part three: the analysis of the problems existing in moral education of college students, mainly from the goal of moral education of college students, the third part is the analysis of the problems existing in the moral education of college students. This paper analyzes the problems existing in moral education in colleges and universities in China from three aspects: part 4th: the enlightenment of Confucius' moral education to the moral education of college students, which is embodied in the goal of perfecting moral education in colleges and universities. Enrich the content and improve the method of three aspects of enlightenment.


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