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发布时间:2018-02-27 04:20

  本文关键词: 民办高校 师资队伍 师资引进 师资管理 出处:《东北师范大学》2005年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】: 随着我国科教兴国观念的不断深入,高等教育已成为我国科技进步、经济发展的重要支撑。目前,我国的高等教育正呈现着发展方向大众化、办学方式多元化、办学模式市场化、办学途径国际化、办学手段信息化的发展趋势。民办高等教育作为我国高等教育的必要补充,在满足社会的多元化的教育需求、更加高效地利用各种教育资源、增加教育的投入,以及广泛的人才需求等方面起着越来越重要的作用。但同时,我国民办高校的发展也正面临着来自各方面的挑战,教学质量问题、办学特色与定位的问题、教学科研及日常管理机制的问题等都困绕着民办高校的发展。其中,尤其是师资队伍的建设问题显得更为突出,已成为民办高校发展的瓶颈。因此建设优化师资队伍以促进民办高校的发展引起了人们关注的目光,本文即是在此方面所做的尝试。 本文基本上是以长春市的民办高校为研究对象的,问卷调查也主要集中在此地区,但长春市民办高校相对较少,为增加代表性笔者主要是利用文献法搜集了全国各地的一些民办高校师资队伍状况的资料来进行研究的。通过研究笔者发现当前我国的民办高校师资队伍已形成了一定的规模,已成为民办高等教育的重要组成部分。但是民办高校师资依然呈现出专任教师年龄结构不合理、稳定性较差、工作压力、心理压力较大等一系列不利于民办高校发展的问题状态,笔者认为要想改变这些师资状况应在师资引进、师资管理上下一定的功夫。在管理观念上人们常把民办教育与企业混淆到一起而忽略了其自身作为教育的规律特点;在管理措施上,政府没有处理好公办高校教师与民办高校教师的关系,学校具体管理措施也有“不妥”之处,缺少人文关怀、重使用轻培养,再加上民办高校教师自身心态问题,致使民办高校师资队伍建设有一定难度。最后,笔者尝试性地从师资引进,师资管理角度提出民办高校师资队伍建设的对策,认为要合理引进师资,引进优秀人才,改善师资队伍结构,调整教师的专兼职结构和年龄结构。切实树立为教师服务的思想,政府应承担起规范和引导的责任,并且加强教师的自我管理。另外,学校也应加强柔性管理,以正当方法提高优化教师队伍,最终达到建设一支优秀教师队伍的目的。
[Abstract]:With the deepening of the concept of rejuvenating the country through science and education, higher education has become an important support for the progress of science and technology and economic development in our country. The marketization of the mode of running a school, the internationalization of the way of running a school, and the development trend of informationization of the means of running a school. As a necessary supplement of our country's higher education, private higher education meets the diversified educational needs of the society. More and more efficient use of all kinds of educational resources, increasing investment in education, as well as a wide range of talent demand and other aspects play a more and more important role. But at the same time, the development of private colleges and universities in China is also facing challenges from all aspects. The problems of teaching quality, characteristics and orientation of running a school, teaching and scientific research and daily management mechanism are all bothering the development of private colleges and universities. It has become the bottleneck of the development of private colleges and universities, so the construction and optimization of teachers to promote the development of private colleges and universities has attracted people's attention. This paper is an attempt in this respect. This paper is mainly focused on the private colleges and universities in Changchun. The questionnaire survey is also mainly concentrated in this area, but there are relatively few private colleges and universities in Changchun. In order to increase the representativeness, the author mainly used the literature method to collect the information about the teachers' status in some private colleges and universities all over the country. Through the research, the author found that the teaching staff of the private colleges and universities in our country has formed a certain scale at present. It has become an important part of private higher education. However, teachers in private colleges still show unreasonable age structure of full-time teachers, poor stability and work pressure. A series of problems that are not conducive to the development of private colleges and universities, such as greater psychological pressure, the author believes that in order to change the status of these teachers should be introduced in teachers, On the concept of management, people often confuse private education with enterprises and ignore their own characteristics as the law of education. The government has not properly handled the relationship between the teachers of public colleges and private universities, and the concrete management measures of the schools are also "inappropriate", lacking humanistic concern, attaching importance to using and neglecting training, and adding to the psychological problems of teachers in private colleges and universities. Finally, the author tries to put forward the countermeasures from the angle of teachers' introduction and teacher management, and thinks that we should introduce teachers reasonably and bring in excellent talents. To improve the structure of the teaching staff, to adjust the full-time and part-time structure and the age structure of teachers, and to set up the idea of serving teachers effectively, the government should assume the responsibility of normalizing and guiding, and strengthen the self-management of teachers. Schools should also strengthen flexible management, improve and optimize the teaching staff by proper methods, and finally achieve the goal of building an excellent team of teachers.


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