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发布时间:2018-02-28 07:15

  本文关键词: 高校教师 绩效工资制度 改革 出处:《武汉理工大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:改革开放以来,我国高校就以奖励工资的形式引入绩效考核工资制度,但由于教育财政投入不足,奖励工资的实际发放十分有限。随着高等教育大众化的到来,办学经费来源多元化,高校自筹经费日见增多,为我国高校绩效工资制度改革提供了必要的条件。近年来,根据《高等教育法》和事业单位收入分配制度改革的要求,从2010年起,我国事业单位应全面实施绩效工资。同时,在我国高等教育跨越式发展的进程中,党中央、国务院切实把重点放在了提高教育质量的问题上。因此,在我国事业单位工资制度改革和高等教育“质量工程”建设的社会背景下,高校能否推行绩效工资制度,是关系到事业单位工资改革顺利进行和“质量工程”建设的重要组成部分,并且对于提高高等教育质量、建设高水平教师队伍、充分调动广大教师工作积极性,激发教师的创新精神等,都具有十分重要的意义。但高校与其他事业单位相比具有其特殊性,高校教师绩效工资制度改革在推行过程中并没有达到预期的效果,导致这成为了一个现实的社会问题,并引起社会各界的广泛关注。 本文在前人的研究基础上,通过对16所高等学校进行调查,从教育学、经济学、教育经济学和心理学等学科的视角出发,通过问卷调查、访谈和案例分析等研究方法完成资料的收集,并对数据资料进行定性和定量的处理分析,本着理论与实践相结合的原则,对上述问题进行了全面、深入的分析,并借鉴国外高校绩效工资制度改革的基本经验,进而对完善我国高校绩效工资制度改革提出建议。 按照以上思路,全文共分为五个部分进行探讨: 第一章为导论,主要介绍了所要研究问题的缘起,对国内外相关研究进行文献梳理,分析研究现状,对相关概念进行界定,提出本研究的研究方法和基本思路。 第二章主要阐述了高校教师绩效工资制度改革的理论依据。高校教师绩效工资的理论依据主要来自于经济学和管理学中的按劳分配理论、效率工资理论激励理论以及制度变迁理论。这部分内容主要阐释以上理论为高校教师绩效工资制度改革奠定的理论基础及对现实指导意义。 第三章主要介绍我国高校教师绩效工资制度改革的过程以及相关内容。在特殊国情和特定历史背景下,高校教师绩效工资制度改革经历了漫长的发展过程,不同时期改革所涉及的各相关内容也较为复杂。 第四章主要针对我国高校教师绩效工资制度改革中所存在的问题及其原因进行分析。近年来,绩效工资制度已在我国各高校陆续推行,取得了初步的成效,但同时也存在着这样那样的问题。这些问题之所以存在,其原因具有复杂性和多面性,只有从问题本身出发,深入了解分析,把握导致问题产生的主要因素,方能得出正确结论并提出行之有效的政策建议。 第五章在对国外教师绩效工资制度改革的了解基础上,结合我国基本国情,选择性的借鉴,并提出完善和推动我国高校教师绩效工资制度改革的合理建议。具体从四个层面展开:提高制度本身的合理性和可行性;加强绩效工资制度改革的可操作性:增强绩效工资制度改革的保障力度:协调不同利益群体关系促进高校战略性发展。
[Abstract]:Since the reform and opening up, China's colleges and universities to reward wages in the form of the introduction of performance appraisal salary system, but due to lack of financial education investment, the actual payment of wages reward is limited. With the advent of mass higher education, diversified sources of funding for education, colleges and universities raised by increasing fees, to provide the necessary conditions for the reform of China's colleges and universities the performance wage system. In recent years, according to the law of higher education institutions "and the income distribution system reform, from 2010 onwards, China's institutions should be the full implementation of pay for performance. At the same time, in the rapid development of China's higher education in the process of the CPC Central Committee, State Council put emphasis on improving the quality of education the problems in the construction. Therefore, the reform of the wage system and the quality project of higher education institutions in China under the background of the society, colleges and universities can implement performance pay system, is related to the An important part of the wage reform and the construction of "quality engineering" of the institutions, and to improve the quality of higher education, the construction of the high level of teachers, to fully mobilize the enthusiasm of teachers, arouse teachers' spirit of innovation, has very important significance. But universities and other institutions compared with its particularity. The reform of University Teachers' performance salary system in the implementation process did not achieve the desired effect, which has become a real social problem, which caused widespread concern in the community.
In this paper, on the basis of previous studies, according to a survey of 16 colleges and universities, economics, starting from education, educational economics and psychology perspective, through questionnaire survey, interview and case analysis and other research methods to complete data collection, data processing and the analysis of qualitative and quantitative, in theory the combination of practice and principle to carry on the comprehensive and in-depth analysis, and learn from the experience of reform in foreign universities performance wage system, and then to improve the reform of college performance salary system recommendations.
According to the above ideas, the full text is divided into five parts.
The first chapter is the introduction. It mainly introduces the origin of the problems to be studied, literature reviews on the related research both at home and abroad, the status quo of the analysis, the definition of the related concepts, and the research methods and basic ideas of this research.
The second chapter mainly elaborates the theoretical basis of the reform of University Teachers' performance salary system. The theoretical basis of performance salary of university teachers mainly from the economics and management of distribution according to labor theory, efficiency wage theory, incentive theory and institutional change theory. This part mainly explains the theoretical basis of the above theory for the reform of University Teachers' performance salary system for the and guiding significance to the reality.
The third chapter mainly introduces the process of the reform of University Teachers' performance salary system in China and related content. In the special situation and the specific historical background, the reform of University Teachers' performance salary system has experienced a long process of development, the relevant content in different periods of reform are more complex.
The fourth chapter mainly aims at the existing reform of university teacher performance pay system in China Problems and their causes were analyzed. In recent years, the performance pay system has been carried out in various colleges and universities in China, has achieved initial results, but there also exist such problems. These problems exist, the reasons are complicated and face, only starting from the problem itself, we analyze, grasp the main factors cause problems, we can draw a correct conclusion and put forward effective policy recommendations.
The fifth chapter in the reform of foreign teacher performance pay system on the basis of understanding, combined with China's basic national conditions, selective reference, and put forward reasonable suggestions to improve and promote the reform of University Teachers' performance salary system in China. From four aspects: to improve the rationality and feasibility of the system itself; strengthen the operability of the wage system reform the performance wage system reform: to enhance the security performance of efforts to promote the strategic development of colleges and Universities: the coordination of the relationship between different interest groups.



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