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发布时间:2018-02-28 10:19

  本文关键词: 建设世界一流大学 BK21工程 NURI工程 WCU工程 出处:《吉林大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:世界一流大学是培养高级专业化人才的摇篮,也是孕育重大科技发明与发现的场所,随着知识时代的来临,是否拥有世界一流大学已成为衡量国家综合实力的重要指标。进入21世纪后,建设世界一流大学从而在高等教育领域追求卓越已经成为全球范围内众多发展中国家和少数发达国家的整体趋势,在这股汹涌的革新浪潮中,诸多方面并不领先的韩国却并没有淹没其中,而是结合本国国情推动了主要包括BK21第一阶段、BK21第二阶段、NURI、WCU在内的系列卓越工程,并取得初步成效。本文旨在宏观着眼、微观入手,详细介绍了上述工程的基本内容并加以分析,希望能为我国建设世界一流大学提供可资借鉴的宝贵经验。 论文结构及研究的主要内容如下: 第一部分为绪论,首先从趋势视角、借鉴视角和成就视角三个方面确定了选题意义,然后分别介绍了关于21世纪智慧韩国工程(BK21)、新大学区域创新工程(NURI)及建设世界级高水平大学工程(WCU)的国内外研究现状。 第二部分写明韩国高等教育系列卓越工程的启动缘由,,并从高等教育层面、韩国国家层面和国际层面进行系统分析。 第三部分详细介绍系列卓越工程的三个重要内容,包括BK21工程、NURI工程和WCU工程,详尽阐述每项工程的主要目标、经费投入、评选结果。 第四部分阐释三项工程的实施成效,分别侧重于学术、应用和影响力。 第五部分将上述三项卓越工程作为一个整体进行综合分析,从而总结出韩国21世纪卓越工程在五个维度上的突出特征,即时间维度上从“单一计划”到“系列工程”;空间维度上从“首都高校”到“地方大学”;逻辑维度上从“追求卓越”到“兼顾平衡”;管理维度上从“监管控制”到“建议咨询”;资源维度上从“资金支持”到“人才滋养”,并指出其中值得我国借鉴的创新举措。
[Abstract]:The world-class universities are the cradle of training advanced professional talents, and are also the breeding sites for major scientific and technological inventions and discoveries. With the advent of the knowledge age, Whether or not to have a world-class university has become an important indicator of the comprehensive strength of a country. After 21th century, The construction of world-class universities and the pursuit of excellence in the field of higher education has become a global trend for many developing countries and a few developed countries. In this turbulent wave of innovation, However, Korea, which is not leading in many aspects, has not submerged it, but has promoted a series of excellent projects, including the first stage of BK21, the second stage of BK21, and the second stage of BK21, and has achieved initial results. The purpose of this paper is to focus on the macro view. This paper introduces in detail the basic contents of the above projects and analyzes them in detail, hoping to provide valuable experience for the construction of world-class universities in China. The structure of the thesis and the main contents of the research are as follows:. The first part is the introduction, first from the trend perspective, reference perspective and achievement perspective to determine the significance of the topic. Then the domestic and international research status of BK21, NURI and WCUU in 21th century are introduced respectively. The second part describes the origin of the series of excellent projects in Korean higher education, and makes a systematic analysis from the higher education level, the Korean national level and the international level. The third part introduces the three important contents of the series of excellent projects in detail, including the BK21 project and the WCU project. The main objectives of each project, the investment of funds and the result of the selection are described in detail. Part 4th explains the effectiveness of the three projects, focusing on academic, application and impact. In the 5th part, the above three outstanding projects are analyzed as a whole, and the outstanding features of the Korea excellent Engineering in five dimensions are summarized in 21th century. That is, time dimension from "single plan" to "series project"; space dimension from "capital university" to "local university"; logical dimension from "pursuing excellence" to "balancing balance"; management dimension from "supervision and control" From "fund support" to "talent nourishment", the author points out some innovative measures worthy of our country's reference.


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