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发布时间:2018-03-01 21:25

  本文关键词: 大学生网络虚拟群体 思想政治教育 问题 对策 出处:《西南大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:随着电脑的普及和网络技术的不断发展,利用网络学习、工作、交流的人越来越多,其中高校大学生成为网络使用的主力军,他们在网络虚拟空间进行交流、学习、娱乐,逐渐形成了一个新的群体,即大学生网络虚拟群体。大学生网络虚拟群体的出现对高校思想政治教育产生了重要影响,己成为高校思想政治教育的新对象。然而,目前高校大学生网络虚拟群体思想政治教育还存在诸多问题,影响了大学生思想政治教育的实效性。因此,系统分析大学生网络虚拟群体思想政治教育存在的问题,剖析问题存在的深层原因,并对如何加强大学生网络虚拟群体思想政治教育提出行之有效的对策是目前大学生网络思想政治教育的重要任务。本文在探讨大学生网络虚拟群体思想政治教育一般理论的基础上,通过实证调查对目前大学生网络虚拟群体思想政治教育存在的问题和原因进行了分析,并以此为依据提了相应的对策,以期增强大学生网络虚拟群体思想政治教育的实际效果。本文试图从以下三部分进行研究: 第一部分:大学生网络虚拟群体思想政治教育的概念、构成要素、研究价值。该部分主要厘清大学生网络虚拟群体思想政治教育的内涵,分析大学生网络虚拟群体思想政治教育的构成要素,为本研究提供理论基础,第二、三部分的问题、原因、对策都是以此为基础进行分析论证的。同时该部分还对研究大学生网络虚拟群体思想政治教育的价值进行了阐述。 第二部分:大学生网络虚拟群体思想政治教育存在问题及原因分析。该部分通过问卷调查分析了大学生网络虚拟群体思想政治教育存在的问题,并对这些问题出现的原因进行了剖析,为第三部分提出可行性对策提供依据。 第三部分:加强大学生网络虚拟群体思想政治教育对策研究。该部分是依据大学生网络虚拟群体思想政治教育存在问题及原因分析,提出了针对性的对策,以期提高大学生网络虚拟群体思想政治教育的实效性,达到论文最终写作目的,该部分也是本文的重难点所在。
[Abstract]:With the popularization of computer and the continuous development of network technology, more and more people use network to study, work and communicate. Among them, college students become the main force of network use. They communicate, study and entertain in the virtual space of network. A new group has gradually formed, that is, the virtual group of college students, the appearance of which has an important influence on the ideological and political education in colleges and universities, and has become a new object of ideological and political education in colleges and universities. At present, there are still many problems in the ideological and political education of the network virtual group of college students, which affect the effectiveness of the ideological and political education of the college students. Therefore, the problems existing in the ideological and political education of the virtual group on the network of college students are systematically analyzed. Analyze the underlying causes of the problem, It is an important task for college students to strengthen the ideological and political education of the network virtual group. This paper discusses the ideological and political education of the virtual group on the network of college students. On the basis of general theory, This paper analyzes the problems and causes of the ideological and political education in the network virtual group of college students through the empirical investigation, and puts forward the corresponding countermeasures based on the analysis of the problems and causes of ideological and political education in the network virtual group of college students. In order to enhance the actual effect of the ideological and political education of the network virtual group of college students, this paper attempts to study from the following three parts:. The first part: the concept, elements and research value of the ideological and political education of the network virtual group of college students, this part mainly clarifies the connotation of the ideological and political education of the network virtual group of university students. This paper analyzes the elements of ideological and political education in the network virtual group of college students, and provides the theoretical basis for this study. The second and third parts are the problems and the reasons. At the same time, this part also expounds the value of studying the ideological and political education of the network virtual group of college students. The second part analyzes the problems and causes of the ideological and political education in the network virtual group of college students, and analyzes the problems in the ideological and political education of the virtual group of college students through the questionnaire survey. The causes of these problems are analyzed to provide the basis for the third part to put forward feasible countermeasures. The third part: strengthen the network virtual group ideological and political education countermeasure research, this part is according to the university student network virtual group ideological and political education existence question and the reason analysis, proposed the pertinence countermeasure. In order to improve the effectiveness of the ideological and political education of the network virtual group of college students to achieve the final purpose of writing, this part is also the important and difficult part of this paper.


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