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发布时间:2018-03-02 01:33

  本文关键词: 和谐社会 女大学生 思想政治教育 出处:《江西农业大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:构建主义和谐社会,是党中央全面贯彻科学发展观,为开创中国特色社会主义新局面、全面建设小康社会所提出的重大战略任务。女大学生作为和谐社会的重要组成部分,也是影响和谐社会构建的重要因素。作为一个特殊的青年知识群体,女大学生的生存状态主流是积极向上的,但是随着改革开放的深入,商品经济的冲击,部分女大学生不同程度地存在政治信仰迷茫、理想信念模糊、价值取向扭曲、心理素质欠佳等与和谐社会所不符并且是亟待解决的问题。这不仅影响了女大学生的成才与就业,而且不利于和谐社会的构建,因此,需要加强女大学生的思想政治教育。 本文以和谐社会的理论、思想政治教育的理论以及马克思主义妇女观的理论为支撑,用了文献研究法、归纳总结法和问卷调查法。 本文通过对女大学生思想政治教育现状的分析,,发现其存在的问题,分析产生的原因:有社会方面经济、政治和文化的原因,有学校对女大学生思想政治教育重视不足、高校“无性别”的德育模式以及对女大学生的就业关心不足的原因,有家庭中家长的原因,有女大学生自身的原因。最后从构建和谐的社会环境、完善和谐的学校教育、营造和谐的家庭氛围、加强和谐的自身教育等方面来探究女大学生思想政治教育的对策。 本文研究和谐社会视域下的女大学生思想政治教育,是为了帮助女大学生树立正确的世界观、人生观、价值观,提高女大学生的心理素质、思想政治素质,丰富女大学生的知识储备和技能,使她们能在和谐社会的建设中贡献自己的力量。
[Abstract]:To build a socialist harmonious society, the CPC Central Committee to fully implement Scientific Outlook on Development, to create a Chinese characteristic socialism new situation, proposed a major strategic task of building a well-off society. The female college students as an important part of the harmonious society, and is also an important factor affecting the construction of a harmonious society. As a special youth intellectual group, the survival status of female college students the mainstream is positive, but with the deepening of reform and opening up, the impact of the commodity economy, part of the female college students there are different degrees of political belief confusion, fuzzy ideals and beliefs, value orientation, poor psychological qualities and harmonious society are inconsistent and the problems to be solved. This not only affects the growth and employment of female college students. It is not conducive to building a harmonious society, therefore, need to strengthen ideological and political education of female college students.
Based on the theory of harmonious society, the theory of Ideological and political education and the theory of Marx's view of women, this paper uses the methods of literature research, induction and questionnaire.
This paper analyses the current situation of the ideological and political education of female college students, to find out the existing problems, analyze the reasons: social economic, political and cultural reasons, the school has insufficient attention to female college students' Ideological and political education, moral education in Colleges and universities "gender" and the employment of female university students concerned about the lack of reason there are reasons, parents in the family, a female college students' own reasons. Finally, from the construction of a harmonious social environment, improve the educational harmony, create a harmonious family atmosphere, to explore the Countermeasures of female college students' Ideological and political education of their own education, strengthen the harmony.
The ideological and political education of female college students from the perspective of the harmonious society, in order to help female college students to establish a correct world outlook, outlook on life and values, improve the psychological quality of university female students, female college students' Ideological and political quality, rich knowledge and skills to enable them to contribute their strength in the construction of a harmonious society.



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