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发布时间:2018-03-02 01:31

  本文关键词: 学生学习效果 新升本科院校 关联规则 出处:《陕西师范大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:高校的改革的目的与核心任务是寻找有效途径来提高学校的教学质量和科研水平,而大学生的学习质量是反应高校教学质量的直接评价标准。大学生的学习效果是高校教育运行与学生相互作用的综合结果,影响学生学习质量的因素是复杂的、多维度的,各因素之间表现出较强的非线性联系。 影响学生学习效果和质量的因素很多,是学生与高校教学工作各个环节相互作用的结果,学校的层面的原因有学生学习环境的建设程度、教师教学水平的高低、院校对学生的管理水平、对学生学习的指导、以及学校对自身人才培养目标的定位等因素。在学生层面影响学生学习质量的因素主要表现为学生的学习兴趣、学习目的、学习主动性、学习方法等因素。这两方面的因素是相互影响和相互作用的,教师的教学方法、教学能力水平、学校的学习环境都会对学生的学习兴趣、学习的主官能动性产生影响,从而最终影响到学生的学习质量。 新升本科院校,正处于从专科教育到本科教育的转型期,在这个敏感的过度阶段,如何稳定的提升学校的教学水平无疑是新升本院校直接面对的根本任务之一。本文的目的是研究新升本科院校大学生学习效果的影响因素,掌握新升本科院校学生学习状况的一般模式和特征,找到新升本科院校在教学环节的疏漏和不足。 首先通过问卷调查和查询学校学生数据的方式,收集了陕西省某新升本科院校信息工程学院09级、10级学生的相关学习动态、静态数据,包括学生的入学高考成绩、学习自我评价数据、家庭信息、学习状况、学习行为、生活习惯、期末考试成绩等信息,构建学生学习相关的数据库。 然后利用Apriori关联规则算法对学生学习相关的数据进行关联规则挖掘,获得影响学生学习效果的关联规则,以期发现影响学生学习质量的各因素之间的关系。 实验结果发现了一些相关联系,如:学生高考入学英语成绩对其在后来的大学学习成绩有着显著的影响;担任班干部的学生在学习成绩上普遍低于非班干部学生;学生在学习的过程中表现出较为明显的无目的性,注重获得对找工作有直接关系的专业或技能资格认证,为了考证而学习,为了考证而考证;学生生源的地域性差异在学习成绩的特异性显著,学校所在地生源的学生学习成绩普遍不如外省生源的学生等等。 在本文的最后,根据上述数据挖掘所获得的与学生学习效果强烈相关的关联因素,结合新升本科院校的特点,对提高新升本科院校的教学质量给出一些建议。 首先新升本科院校需要明确自身的办学及人才培养的科学准确的自我定位。其次加强对学生学习的指导工作;加强师资队伍的建设,通过课堂教学方法、手段的革新来激发学生的学习兴趣;加强学生学习目的和学习态度的良性培养,激发学生学习的主官能动性;加强教学实施、学生学习环境的建设,提供学生良好的学习环境和丰富的文献资源平台,提高学生的自学能力;稳步提高和拓展教师科研水平,加大开放实验室平台的建设,开展新希望工程,使得有兴趣从事学术科研的学生参与到教师的科研项目中,开发学生的科研潜力,加强学生专业技能的实践。最后给出新升本科院校在英语课程公共教学该科的一点探讨。
[Abstract]:The purpose and core task of the reform of colleges and universities is to find effective ways to improve the quality of teaching in schools and scientific research level, and the quality of learning of students is the direct teaching quality evaluation standards. The reaction of the students' learning effect is a comprehensive result of higher education operation and student interaction, factors affecting the students' learning quality is complex, multi dimensions, between various factors exhibit strong nonlinear relationship.
Many factors that influence students' learning effect and quality, students and teaching work in Colleges and universities in all aspects of the interaction between school level students learning construction environment, teachers' teaching level of college students on the management level, learning guidance to students, and schools on their own talent training goal the location and other factors. The student level factors affecting students' study quality mainly for the purpose of learning students' interest in learning, learning initiative, learning methods and other factors. These two factors are mutual influence and interaction, teaching methods, teaching ability, school learning environment to students interest in learning, learning initiative influence officers, which ultimately affect the quality of students' learning.
The newly upgraded colleges, is in the transition period from college education to undergraduate education, in this sensitive excessive stage, stable how to enhance the school's teaching level is undoubtedly one of the fundamental tasks of newly upgraded colleges directly face. The purpose of this paper is to study the factors influencing students' learning effect of Undergraduate Colleges, grasp the general pattern and characteristics the students learning situation of undergraduate colleges, undergraduate colleges found in the teaching of omissions and deficiencies.
First, through the questionnaire survey and query school student data, collected in Shaanxi province undergraduate colleges college of information engineering, grade 09, grade 10 students learning dynamic, static data, including student enrollment and college entrance examination scores, learning self assessment data, family information, learning situation, learning behavior, habits, information of the final exam results, to build student related database.
Then, we use Apriori association rule algorithm to extract association rules from students' learning related data, and get association rules that affect students' learning effect, in order to find out the relationship between various factors that affect student's learning quality.
The experimental results found some related links, such as: students college entrance English scores in the later university grades have significant effects; as the class cadre students are generally lower than non class cadre students in grades; students in the learning process show no obvious purpose, pay attention to get directly the relationship of job skills or professional qualification certification, in order to research and study, in order to research and research; students of regional differences in specific grades significantly, school students learning achievement general transprovincial students and so on.
At the end of this paper, according to the data mining related factors obtained with the learning effect of students are strongly related, combined with the characteristics of undergraduate colleges, to improve teaching quality of undergraduate colleges and some suggestions are given.
The first undergraduate colleges need to make clear the personnel training and the scientific and accurate self positioning. Secondly, strengthen the guidance on students' work; strengthen the construction of teachers, through classroom teaching methods, means innovation to stimulate students' interest in learning; strengthen the benign to cultivate students' learning purpose and learning attitude, stimulate the initiative of the officers students; strengthen the teaching, building the learning environment for the students, to provide students with a good learning environment and rich literature resources platform, to improve students self-learning ability; steadily improve and expand their research level, increase the construction of open laboratory platform, to carry out the new project hope that interested in the students to participate in academic research the teachers' scientific research projects, the development of students' scientific research potential, strengthen students' professional practice skills. Finally, in Newly Upgraded Universities A discussion on the public teaching of English courses.



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