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发布时间:2018-03-02 01:23

  本文关键词: 湖南省 划转院校 办学定位 出处:《长沙理工大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:随着社会现代化进程的加快,高等教育出现蓬勃发展的趋势。不断扩大的高等教育规模以及高校的不断扩招,高校的办学定位已成为高等教育研究的热点问题。1998年在李岚清“共建、调整、合作、合并”八字方针的指导下,我国高等教育管理体制进行了深入的改革。597所高等学校合并组建为267所,111所高校继续由中央部委管理,由国务院62个部门直接管理的近250所高校划转到地方政府管理,实行省部共建,以地方管理为主,简称“划转院校”。从而完成了我国高等教育宏观管理体制的改革和布局调整。这类高校曾以行业为依托,普遍拥有雄厚的办学实力和优质资源,是我国高等教育体系中的主力军。因此,这一类高校的发展,,对我国高等教育整体的发展质量至关重要。但是由于办学环境的变化和体制改革等种种复杂原因,划转到地方的行业院校,面临着定位不明、分类不清等诸多问题。 本论文以湖南省8所行业划转院校作为研究对象,运用文献资料法、比较分析法和例证研究法,分析划转院校面对转制后的机遇和挑战,以划转院校的办学定位为主线,在国内外办学定位相关理论的支持下,概述湖南省划转院校办学发展的演变历程及现状,深入分析湖南省划转院校办学定位存在的问题及原因,并提出合理化办学定位的战略选择,探究办学思路改革,总结办学经验。对划转院校提高人才培养质量、提升科学研究水平和优化结构有重要意义,而且对于服务地方行业和推动区域经济社会的发展,增强社会服务能力,具有重要的现实意义。
[Abstract]:With the acceleration of the social modernization process, higher education has a trend of vigorous development. The orientation of running a university has become a hot issue in the study of higher education. In 1998, under the guidance of Li Lanqing's "Co-construction, Adjustment, Cooperation and merger", The management system of higher education in China has been deeply reformed. 597 colleges and universities have been merged into 267 or 111 institutions of higher education, which continue to be managed by central ministries and commissions, and nearly 250 colleges and universities under the direct management of 62 departments of the State Council have been transferred to local governments. The implementation of the joint construction of provincial ministries and departments, with local management as the main body, referred to as "transferring to colleges and universities", has completed the reform and layout adjustment of the macro management system of higher education in China. This kind of university has been based on the industry. It is the main force in the higher education system of our country. Therefore, the development of this kind of colleges and universities, It is of great importance to the overall development quality of higher education in our country, but due to the change of school environment and system reform and other complicated reasons, the local colleges and universities are faced with many problems, such as unclear positioning, unclear classification and so on. In this paper, 8 colleges and universities in Hunan province are taken as the research object. By using the method of literature, comparative analysis and case study, the paper analyzes the opportunities and challenges after the transformation, and takes the orientation of running a school as the main line. With the support of domestic and foreign theories on the orientation of running a school, this paper summarizes the evolution course and present situation of the development of the school in Hunan Province, and analyzes deeply the problems and reasons of the orientation of running a school in Hunan Province. It is of great significance for colleges and universities to improve the quality of personnel training, to improve the level of scientific research and to optimize the structure. Moreover, it has important practical significance for serving local industries, promoting the development of regional economy and society, and strengthening the ability of social service.


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