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发布时间:2018-03-02 04:22

  本文关键词: 公共卫生硕士 专业学位 SWOT分析 发展战略 出处:《复旦大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:[research background] in order to actively adapt to the needs of high level applied talents in social and economic development, the educational departments actively adjust the structure of graduate education, and therefore set up professional degree graduate education. The main purpose of this study is to make a detailed strategic analysis of the current situation of MPH professional degree education in a university. This paper finds out the advantages, disadvantages, opportunities and threats in the development of MPH degree education in a university, and finds out the problems existing in the degree education of MPH major in a certain university at present, combining with the combination of strategic factors matrix. This paper formulates the strategic goal of graduate education of MPH major in a certain university, and puts forward some development strategies and countermeasures. Firstly, the background and significance of the research are defined, including the present situation of professional degree education in foreign countries. To clarify the application of the research methods, especially the SWOT analysis method, which is used in this paper. Secondly, it summarizes the relevant theories, development history and the current situation of education in China, including the relevant theories, the history and the current situation of education in China, including the relevant theories, the history of development and the current situation of education in China. Thirdly, this paper analyzes the internal and external environment of the degree education of the master of public health in a university, and finds out the advantages and disadvantages in the development of the graduate education of the master of public health in a certain university. Opportunities and threats, so as to position a university master of public health graduate education. Finally, define the strategic objectives of a university master of public health professional degree education, use the matrix combination to formulate specific development strategies, It is expected to be helpful to the sustainable development of MPH professional degree in a university. [results and conclusions] the strategy suitable for the development of MPH professional degree education in a certain university is so strategy. That is, the advantage and opportunity strategy. The postgraduate education of MPH (Master of Public Health) at a certain university is at a critical stage of development, and at this stage, we should make full use of the favorable external environment. To seize the state's emphasis on and support for graduate education for professional degrees, and at the same time pay attention to giving play to its own advantages, and cultivate high quality for the public health sector, including relevant government functional departments, the Centers for Disease Prevention and Control, Hospitals, Health and Quarantine departments, etc. High-level public health professionals.


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