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发布时间:2018-03-02 06:16

  本文关键词: 高校毕业生 多元主体参与 就业保障机制 绩效测评 出处:《上海工程技术大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:随着我国高等教育实现由“精英教育”向“大众教育”的转变,人与人之间的教育机会日趋平等,人力资源开发水平得到了较高的提升。然而,高校毕业生规模的急剧膨胀与经济发展对高学历人才需求的增长缓慢形成对比,高校毕业生就业市场在人才供给和市场需求关系上出现了总量性与结构性矛盾,人力资本投资损失严重,高校毕业生就业难问题日益突出,这不仅造成了教育资源的巨大浪费和人才的流失,还对经济发展和社会稳定产生消极的影响。 本文以上海市为研究对象,以就业保障机制为研究内容,对国内外的研究现状以及相关理论进行梳理与评述,为本研究提供理论支撑。同时,把上海市高校毕业生就业保障机制的研究放在高等教育大众化的时代背景下,梳理我国高校毕业生就业制度的三大历史演进阶段,并对上海市近五年的高校毕业生就业政策进行简要回顾,以此为研究提供背景依据。 通过相关文献查阅、数据搜索和问卷调查,把握当前上海市高校毕业生就业的基本情况,并从学历层次、专业类型、地区流向、行业分布、单位类型、就业形式和薪资待遇等角度归纳上海市高校毕业生的就业特点,在此基础上揭示高校毕业生就业中存在着供需总量矛盾仍然存在、供需结构矛盾日益突出、未充分就业现象逐步凸显、已就业毕业生的职业稳定性不高、以创业带动就业的实施效果甚微等五大问题,为研究高校毕业生就业保障机制的必要性提供现实依据。 基于政府、高校、用人单位和毕业生个人四方主体参与的视角,构建高校毕业生就业保障机制绩效的测评指标体系,运用AHP层次分析法建立层次结构模型,确定四者的影响权重依次为0.455、0.263、0.141、0.141,并同时求出15项三级指标的权重。在此基础上引入模糊综合评价方法对当前上海市高校毕业生就业保障机制的绩效进行综合测评,根据最大隶属度原则,得出综合测评结果为“一般”。据此,结合调研数据,,深入分析了政府在政策实施、公共服务、监管职能和市场干预;高校在招生规划、培养模式和指导服务;用人单位在公平招聘、择人标准、用工规范和校企合作;毕业生在就业观念、职业技能、专业知识和职业素质等方面存在的成效与偏失。 最后,通过探索和借鉴国外在促进高校毕业生就业中的具体措施,在结合当前实际的基础上,从完善政府宏观调控机制、创新高校教育指导机制、健全企业人才引进机制和优化毕业生自我促成机制等四个层面探讨上海市高校毕业生就业保障机制的完善对策,以进一步发挥四大主体在促进高校毕业生就业工作中的主导作用、引导作用、支撑作用和激励作用,力图构建和完善一个基于政府、高校、用人单位和毕业生个人的长效联动机制。
[Abstract]:With the transformation of higher education from "elite education" to "mass education" in China, the educational opportunities among people are becoming more and more equal, and the level of human resources development has been improved. The rapid expansion of the scale of college graduates is in contrast to the slow growth of the demand for highly educated talents by the economic development. The employment market for college graduates has produced a contradiction between the total quantity and the structure of the relationship between the supply of talents and the market demand. The loss of human capital investment is serious and the employment problem of college graduates is becoming more and more prominent which not only causes the huge waste of educational resources and the loss of talents but also has a negative impact on economic development and social stability. This article regards Shanghai as the research object, regards the employment security mechanism as the research content, combs and comments the domestic and foreign research present situation and the related theory, provides the theoretical support for this research at the same time, Under the background of the popularization of higher education, the research on the employment security mechanism of college graduates in Shanghai is put into the background, and the three historical evolution stages of employment system of college graduates in China are combed out. It also briefly reviews the employment policy of college graduates in Shanghai in recent five years, which provides the background for the research. Through the relevant literature review, data search and questionnaire survey, grasp the current basic situation of employment of college graduates in Shanghai, and from the educational level, professional type, regional direction, industry distribution, unit type, On the basis of analyzing the employment characteristics of college graduates in Shanghai from the angle of employment form and salary treatment, it is revealed that the contradiction between supply and demand still exists in the employment of college graduates, and the contradiction of supply and demand structure is becoming more and more prominent. The phenomenon of underemployment is gradually highlighted, the occupational stability of employed graduates is not high, and the implementation effect of employment driven by entrepreneurship is very little, which provides a realistic basis for the study of the necessity of employment security mechanism for college graduates. Based on the participation of the government, universities, employers and graduates, the evaluation index system of employment security mechanism performance of college graduates is constructed, and the hierarchical structure model is established by using AHP analytic hierarchy process (AHP). The influence weight of the four persons is determined to be 0.4550.263U 0.141g 0.141, and the weight of 15 third-level indexes is calculated. On the basis of this, the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method is introduced to evaluate the performance of the employment security mechanism of college graduates in Shanghai. According to the principle of maximum degree of membership, the comprehensive evaluation result is "general". Based on the survey data, this paper deeply analyzes the government's policy implementation, public service, regulatory function and market intervention. Training model and guiding service; employers in fair recruitment, selection criteria, employment norms and cooperation between schools and enterprises; graduates in the employment concept, vocational skills, professional knowledge and professional quality and other aspects of the effectiveness and bias. Finally, through exploring and drawing lessons from the concrete measures of foreign countries in promoting the employment of college graduates, on the basis of combining the current reality, from perfecting the government macro-control mechanism and innovating the guiding mechanism of university education, Perfect the enterprise talent introduction mechanism and optimize the self-promotion mechanism of graduates to explore the perfect countermeasures of the employment security mechanism of university graduates in Shanghai. In order to further exert the leading role, leading role, supporting role and incentive function of the four main bodies in promoting the employment of college graduates, the author tries to build and perfect a university based on the government, universities, colleges and universities, Unit of choose and employ persons and graduate individual long-term linkage mechanism.


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