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发布时间:2018-03-02 13:36

  本文选题:免费 切入点:师范教育 出处:《青岛大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:2007年,国务院颁发了《教育部直属师范大学师范生免费教育实施办法[试行])》的规定,决定在教育部直属的北京师范大学,东北师范大学,华东师范大学,华中师范大学,陕西师范大学和西南师范大学[现西南大学]六所院校实行免费师范教育,即免费师范生在校学习期间无需交纳学费,住宿费,并享有国家一定的生活补助。此举意味着7年之后[自2000年师范教育收费起],免费师范教育再次回归,但此次回归不同于以前,不是七年前免费师范教育的重复,而是在高校普遍收费的新时代背景下的重新定义。因此,本次免费师范教育政策的出台,更加体现了国家对师范教育的重视,在当前师范教育质量低,全社会缺乏尊师重教的氛围下,具有重大意义。 免费师范教育政策是在什么样的背景下出台的,实施的状况如何,又面临哪些问题;2011年,迎来第一批免费师范生,他们的就业情况如何,就业过程中遇到了什么问题,我们今后应该如何完善我国的免费师范教育政策,这就是本文研究的主要内容和主要目的。本文共分为4部分,首先,通过对免费师范教育政策的界定,分析其出台背景以及与以往政策的不同之处,分析免费师范教育政策实施的原因和意义,从而深入了解免费师范教育政策;其次,追溯我国免费师范教育政策实施的历史,并与国外师范教育政策相对比,对于我国免费师范教育有一个全面的认识;最后,分析我国免费师范教育政策存在的问题,并提出切实可行的对策,以更好的促进师范教育的发展,提高教育质量。
[Abstract]:In 2007, the State Council issued the regulations on the implementation of Free Education for normal University students directly under the Ministry of Education [trial], and decided that the regulations should be adopted in Beijing normal University, Northeast normal University, East China normal University and Central China normal University, which are directly under the Ministry of Education. Six colleges and universities of Shaanxi normal University and Southwest normal University [now Southwest normal University] implement free normal education, that is, free normal students do not have to pay tuition fees and accommodation while they are studying at school. And enjoy a certain state living allowance. This means that seven years later [since 2000, when normal education is charged], free teacher education will return again, but this return is different from before, not the repetition of free teacher education seven years ago. Therefore, the introduction of the free teacher education policy reflects the importance attached by the state to normal education, and the quality of normal education is low at present. It is of great significance that the whole society lacks the atmosphere of respecting teachers and attaching great importance to education. In 2011, with the first batch of free normal school students, what is their employment situation and what problems have they encountered in the process of employment? How should we improve our free teacher education policy in the future, which is the main content and main purpose of this paper. This paper is divided into four parts. First, through the definition of free teacher education policy, This paper analyzes its background and differences from the previous policies, analyzes the reasons and significance of the implementation of the free teacher education policy, and then deeply understands the free normal education policy. Secondly, it traces the history of the implementation of the free normal education policy in China. Compared with the foreign normal education policy, we have a comprehensive understanding of the free teacher education in our country. Finally, we analyze the problems existing in our free teacher education policy, and put forward some feasible countermeasures. To better promote the development of normal education, improve the quality of education.


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