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发布时间:2018-03-02 23:12

  本文选题:高校后勤 切入点:青年骨干 出处:《北京化工大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:College logistics is an indispensable part of higher education in China. It provides material support and management guarantee for the daily operation of university work. It is the hope and the backbone of the future of the logistics in colleges and universities. If we grasp the backbone of the youth in the logistics of colleges and universities, we will seize the key of the logistics in colleges and universities, and we will be able to ensure the normal operation and healthy development of the logistics in colleges and universities. And to achieve its basic purpose of serving and educating people to the maximum extent. China has for a long time implemented a "large and complete, small and complete" welfare logistics system for universities and colleges run by the State and schools. There are serious defects. Since the reform and opening up, especially since 1990s, with the continuous promotion of the socialization movement of university logistics, China's university logistics has made certain achievements. But at the same time, it also highlights a series of thorny problems that need to be solved urgently. To establish a modern logistics system that is suited to China's national conditions and is widely participated by the market and society, This goal is still far from being realized, and the youth backbone in colleges and universities is the core of this mission. Therefore, it is necessary to pay full attention to and improve the living conditions of the youth backbone of the university logistics, and to carry out the support of the youth backbone of the university logistics in a systematic and sustained manner. Education and cultivation. It is of profound significance to systematically study and improve the backbone group of young logistics in colleges and universities. The author has made a comprehensive study on the topic of "Analysis and Countermeasures of the present situation of the thought of the Young backbone of Logistics in Colleges and Universities". In this paper, The author first defines the relevant concepts: secondly, combining theoretical research with empirical investigation, through the distribution of questionnaires and personal interviews, go deep to four universities in Beijing for field investigation. Finally, aiming at the problems that university logistics youth backbone appears and faces, it is guided by the relevant Marxist theory. This paper puts forward the principles of improving the survival pressure and ideological problems of the backbone of the logistics youth in colleges and universities, and puts forward the practical ways to solve the problems of the youth in colleges and universities from the two dimensions of multiple subjects and multiple paths.


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