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发布时间:2018-03-03 17:45

  本文选题:高校德育 切入点:德育功能 出处:《东北农业大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:大学生作为国家高文化素质的特殊群体,肩负着传播现代文明的使命。随着我国改革开放事业的不断推进,高等教育发展规模逐渐扩大,在校大学生数量急剧增加。大多数学生的情绪都是乐观健康、积极向上的,是有理想、讲道德、守纪律的有志青年。然而由于社会、学校和家庭等多方面因素的影响,也有少数学生因道德观和价值观的扭曲而涉足违法犯罪,有些甚至演变成影响社会局部稳定的群体性事件,严重影响了高等教育和社会的和谐发展。日趋严重的大学生犯罪现象在某种程度上折射出高校德育工作的不足,足够引起我们高度的重视与深刻的反思。大学生犯罪的重要原因之一在于高校德育理念的偏差,,加强高校德育建设预防大学生犯罪亦成为研究的热点。高校德育与大学生犯罪之间究竟有怎样的区别和联系,如何通过加强高校德育起到预防大学生犯罪的作用亦需要进行更为深入的研究。 本文主要研究内容如下:第一部分,针对问题提出的背景,引出高校德育防控大学生犯罪的理论及实践意义,并且就此研究的各主要流派观点、作用机理进行详细的阐述,以此作为全文研究分析的出发点。第二部分,本文对大学生犯罪、德育、德育防控等相关概念进行了详细的阐释。在此基础上,针对本文所研究的核心问题,对高校德育防控大学生犯罪的基础理论——社会控制理论、犯罪学多因素理论、高校德育理论进行了阐释,提出高校德育防控大学生犯罪的功能的表现形式,为论文的研究打下了基础。第三部分,深刻分析了高校德育和大学生犯罪防控的关系,阐述了高校德育防控大学生犯罪的可能性,并通过对大学生犯罪的现状和高校德育工作现状的描述,着重分析了基于德育的大学生犯罪的原因以及高校德育存在的主要问题。第四部分,从社会环境、高校德育内部、家庭早期教育、大学生自身等方面,探讨影响高校德育防控大学生犯罪的相关因素。最后,提出要从根本上解决大学生犯罪问题,最主要的是建立完善的德育机制,充分发挥高校德育的主导教育防控,同时需要依靠社会各方面的力量,强化家庭的基础教育和社会文化的辅助教育。 预防大学生犯罪是提高国民素质和建设社会主义和谐社会的必然要求。作为我国教育系统金字塔尖的高校,应肩负起应有的社会责任,加快建设和谐校园,努力把大学生培养成理想崇高、德才兼备的中国特色社会主义现代化事业需要的优秀建设者和接班人。
[Abstract]:As a special group with high cultural quality in our country, college students shoulder the mission of spreading modern civilization. With the continuous development of reform and opening up in China, the scale of development of higher education is gradually expanding. The number of college students has increased dramatically. Most of the students' emotions are optimistic, healthy, positive, aspiring young people with ideals, moral values, and discipline. However, due to the influence of society, schools and families and other factors, There are also a small number of students involved in crimes and offences because of the distortion of morality and values, some of which have even evolved into mass incidents affecting the local stability of society. It has seriously affected the harmonious development of higher education and society. The increasingly serious phenomenon of college students' crime reflects to some extent the insufficiency of moral education in colleges and universities. One of the important reasons for college students' crime lies in the deviation of moral education in colleges and universities. Strengthening the construction of moral education in colleges and universities to prevent college students from committing crimes has also become a hot spot of research. What is the difference and relationship between moral education and college students' crimes? How to strengthen moral education in colleges and universities to prevent college students from committing crimes also needs more in-depth study. The main contents of this paper are as follows: the first part, in view of the background of the problem, leads to the theoretical and practical significance of the prevention and control of college students' crime through moral education. This is the starting point of this thesis. In the second part, this paper gives a detailed explanation of the concepts of crime, moral education, prevention and control of moral education and so on. On this basis, aiming at the core problems studied in this paper, The basic theory of preventing and controlling college students' crime in moral education, the theory of social control, the theory of multi-factor of criminology, the theory of moral education in colleges and universities are explained, and the expression forms of the function of preventing and controlling the crime of college students in moral education in colleges and universities are put forward. The third part deeply analyzes the relationship between moral education and crime prevention and control of college students, and expounds the possibility of preventing and controlling college students' crime in moral education. Through the description of the current situation of college students' crime and the present situation of moral education in colleges and universities, the author emphatically analyzes the causes of the crimes committed by college students based on moral education and the main problems existing in moral education in colleges and universities. Part 4th, from the social environment, the internal moral education of colleges and universities, In the aspects of early family education and college students themselves, the related factors affecting the prevention and control of college students' crimes in moral education are discussed. Finally, it is proposed that the most important thing to solve the problem of college students' crimes is to establish a perfect moral education mechanism. To give full play to the leading education prevention and control of moral education in colleges and universities, it is necessary to rely on the strength of all aspects of society to strengthen the basic education of families and the supplementary education of social culture at the same time. The prevention of college students' crime is an inevitable requirement for improving the quality of the people and building a harmonious socialist society. As the pyramids of our educational system, colleges and universities should shoulder their due social responsibilities and speed up the construction of a harmonious campus. Strive to cultivate college students into ideal lofty, both moral and talented socialist modernization with Chinese characteristics needs excellent builders and successors.


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