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发布时间:2018-03-04 05:12

  本文选题:法治理念 切入点:依法治校 出处:《中国石油大学(华东)》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:大学生事务管理是高等学校对大学生的管理服务活动。它是高等学校在教育活动之外,与大学生之间最为主要的交流与接触。因此,大学生事务管理活动存在一定的特殊性。基于大学生事务管理的这种特殊性,我们可以将其作为高等学校推进依法治校进程,构建和谐校园的重要切入点。高等学校进行大学生事务管理活动的重点并不在于对学生单纯的管理,而更侧重于对学生的服务。所以,在大学生事务管理过程中应充分保障大学生的合法权利。要保障大学生的权利,就要求大学生事务管理活动能够依法进行。当前在高校依法治校的背景下,实现大学生事务的法治化管理,其意义不仅仅在于保护大学生的合法权利,更能推进高校依法治校的进程,推动国家的法治建设。 当前,,大学生事务管理工作在法治方面取得了一定的成绩,已经初步建立了大学生事务管理相关的法律体系,也实现了高校大学生事务管理人员依法管理意识的增强,依法管理大学生事务的观念正在高校中逐步形成。但是成绩的背后还隐藏着不少的问题,诸如,高校的管理权经常与学生的合法权利发生冲突;现存的纠纷解决机制不甚合理,不能很好地解决高校与学生之间的纠纷;高校学生事务管理队伍缺乏以及法律教育有待加强等。 论文通过文献分析法研究当前我国大学生事务管理工作取得的成绩和存在的问题,同时使用比较法对中美高校学生事务管理进行比较,借鉴美国高校学生事务管理中有法治特色的部分,结合我国高校的实际情况,并充分参考学术界已有的研究成果。在此基础上,从转变管理理念、健全法律法规体系、完善法律救济制度、加强管理队伍建设、培养法律意识等五个方面提出了针对我国依法治校视域下大学生事务管理的改革方案。
[Abstract]:College student affairs management is the management service activity of college students. It is the most important communication and contact between colleges and universities in addition to educational activities. There are some particularities in college student affairs management activities. Based on this particularity of college students' affairs management, we can take them as institutions of higher learning to promote the process of administering schools according to law. The focal point of college students' affairs management is not the simple management of the students, but the service to the students. In the process of college student affairs management, the legitimate rights of college students should be fully protected. In order to protect the rights of college students, it is necessary to carry out the activities of college student affairs management according to law. To realize the legalization management of college students' affairs, its significance is not only to protect the legitimate rights of college students, but also to promote the process of running colleges and universities according to law, and to promote the construction of the rule of law in our country. At present, the university student affairs management has made certain achievements in the field of rule of law, has initially established the university student affairs management related legal system, has also realized the university student affairs management personnel to enhance the consciousness of management according to law. The idea of managing college students' affairs according to law is gradually forming in colleges and universities. However, there are still many problems hidden behind the achievements. For example, the management power of colleges and universities often conflicts with the legitimate rights of students, and the existing dispute resolution mechanism is not very reasonable. It can not solve the disputes between college and students, the lack of student affairs management team and the need to strengthen legal education. In this paper, the achievements and problems of college student affairs management in China are studied by literature analysis, and the comparative method is used to compare the student affairs management between China and the United States. Drawing lessons from the characteristic part of student affairs management in American colleges and universities, combining with the actual situation of our universities, and referring fully to the existing research results in academic circles, this paper, based on this, changes the management concept and perfects the system of laws and regulations. Five aspects, such as perfecting the legal relief system, strengthening the construction of the management team and cultivating the legal consciousness, are put forward in view of the reform of college student affairs management in accordance with the law in our country.


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