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发布时间:2018-03-05 01:10

  本文选题:农村籍大学生 切入点:城镇籍大学生 出处:《华中师范大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:农村户籍大学生在我国城乡二元结构影响下,相对于城镇户籍大学生来说,在就业过程中面临着更多的困难,制约着农民阶层向上社会流动,进而加剧了我国社会阶层差异状况。因此,如何保障农村户籍大学生就业的公平性、缩小城乡大学生在就业机会、就业过程和就业结果上的差距意义重大,是当前亟待应对的一个重大课题。 根据调查问卷数据,对农村和城镇户籍大学毕业生的就业率、工资水平、职业类型和工作单位类型进行了比较,得出农村户籍大学生就业概率小,起薪水平低,职业类型和工作单位类型的层次低等就业问题。本文从社会流动理论的角度,以影响社会流动的制度因素和非制度因素两方面为切入点,对农村户籍大学生的就业结果进行了探讨,分析农村户籍大学生就业问题产生的原因。 研究发现无论是就业结果还是就业质量,农村户籍大学生就业在整体上都受制于我国当前的二元户籍制度以及由此衍生出的就业市场上的户籍歧视,计划经济时代留下来的一些制度性障碍如户籍制度、就业制度、人事制度、社会保障制度等仍在阻碍着他们向上流动以获得更高的社会地位。非制度因素方面,经理论分析和实证分析,社会资本的质量较差以及家庭经济资本薄弱导致农村户籍大学生就业率低;起薪水平低主要归因于制度原因,与非制度因素无直接关联;就业单位层次低的主要原因是父代职业类型不具优势和社会关系对就业的帮助力度不够。 解决农村户籍大学生就业问题,实现农村户籍大学生向上社会流动的途径在于改革户籍制度,消除户籍歧视,实现劳动力合理流动;建立合理、科学的组织人事制度,削弱“人情关系”对就业的不合理干预;农村户籍大学生保持人力资本优势,同时积极构建自身社会资本。从农村户籍大学生的社会流动状态看出高等教育作为社会流动的实质性功能已经大大下降,大学教育成为高校大学生实现社会流动的必要而非充分条件,其社会选择功能呈现出明显的地位再生产趋势,农村大学生在社会流动中向上流动的过程难度增大,进而加剧了整个社会弱势群体的边缘化。
[Abstract]:Under the influence of urban-rural dual structure, rural registered college students are facing more difficulties in the process of employment, which restricts the upward social mobility of the peasant class. Therefore, how to guarantee the fairness of employment of rural registered college students and narrow the gap between urban and rural college students in employment opportunities, employment process and employment results is of great significance. Is an urgent need to deal with a major issue. According to the data of questionnaire, the employment rate, wage level, occupation type and work unit type of rural and urban registered university graduates are compared. It is concluded that the employment probability of rural registered college students is small, and the starting salary level is low. From the perspective of the theory of social mobility, this paper focuses on the institutional and non-institutional factors that affect social mobility. This paper probes into the employment results of rural registered college students and analyzes the causes of the employment problems of rural registered college students. It is found that the employment of rural registered college students is restricted by the current dual household registration system and the resulting discrimination in the employment market, no matter whether it is the result of employment or the quality of employment. Some institutional obstacles left over from the planned economy era, such as the household registration system, the employment system, the personnel system, the social security system, and so on, are still impeding their upward mobility in order to obtain a higher social status. Through theoretical and empirical analysis, the poor quality of social capital and the weak family economic capital lead to the low employment rate of rural registered college students, the low starting salary level is mainly attributed to the institutional reasons, and has no direct relationship with non-institutional factors. The main reasons for the low level of employment units are that the paternal occupational types do not have advantages and the social relations are not enough to help employment. The way to solve the employment problem of rural registered college students and realize the upward social mobility of rural registered college students lies in reforming the household registration system, eliminating the discrimination of household registration, realizing the rational flow of labor force, establishing a reasonable and scientific organization and personnel system, Weakening the unreasonable interference of "human relationship" in employment, maintaining the advantage of human capital of rural registered college students, At the same time, we should actively build our own social capital. From the social mobility of rural registered college students, we can see that higher education as a substantial function of social mobility has been greatly reduced. College education has become a necessary but not a sufficient condition for college students to realize social mobility, and its social choice function shows an obvious tendency of status reproduction, and the process of upward flow of rural college students in social mobility becomes more difficult. In turn, the marginalization of the whole social vulnerable groups has been aggravated.


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