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发布时间:2018-03-05 01:12

  本文选题:计算机基础 切入点:分层教学 出处:《河北师范大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:随着计算机技术和网络技术的快速发展,计算机及其相关应用已经渗透到社会的各个领域,加快、推动了社会信息化的进程,同时也使得信息社会对人才需求不断提高。掌握计算机基础知识,熟练操作计算机基本应用,已成为21世纪人才的基本要求。计算机应用技术与教学、科研等工作结合更加紧密,以计算机技术为核心的信息技术的融合促进了学科的发展,随着学科之间的交叉与融合,不同专业对学生的计算机应用能力也提出了更高和更加具体的要求,计算机水平成为衡量大学生业务素质与综合能力的突出标志。《大学计算机基础》已成为社会科学及自然科学等各门类学科教育的主要基础课程之一,是包括传媒类院校在内的各大高等院校的公共基础及必修课程。 目前各高校《大学计算机基础》这门课程的教学形式仍然在延用传统的教学模式:一、大班授课,或者将多个专业的学生集中在一起授课;二、“一刀切”,视学生的基础知识、能力水平等在同一层次上。随着网络环境全球化、家用电脑日益增多、中小学普及信息技术,入校新生多数已具备一定的计算机基础知识,教学中应充分了解学生基础知识的掌握情况、兴趣高低、专业背景等,,重视学生个体存在的差异性。在符合当前教育形式的前提下,创新这门课程的教学。 针对目前各高校《大学计算机基础》课程的教学现状,结合河北传媒学院的学情,并参照对2012级新生所做的问卷调查,在依据大量的文献调研通过将传统教学与各类教学方式方法比对,提出了将分层次教学应用于《大学计算机基础》课程的教学中。本课题通过分析当前分层教学的研究背景、意义及国内外对此类课题的研究现状,界定了分层教学的概念,说明研究此课题所使用的方法和研究思路。从人们由浅入深,由表及里,由具体到抽象,由简单到复杂的认识规律以及教育学的相关理论上说明分层次教学的理论依据,总结了分层教学的特点、主要模式及分层的原则。通过分析传媒类院校《大学计算机基础》课程教学的现状,将分层教学与传统教学作对比,突出了分层次教学在本课程中的应用优势以及开展分层教学的必要性,详细探讨了分层教学模式在传媒类院校《大学计算机基础》课程中的具体实施过程,根据分层教学模式下课程设置、教学评价、教材应用的实施策略,按照学生的专业特点,对学生、教学内容、教学方法、实践环节、考核方式进行分层,从而获得更好的分层教学效果。充分体现了分层教学在传媒类院校《大学计算机基础》课程中的教学特色。最后在肯定了《大学计算机基础》课程分层教学后又客观地对分层次教学进行了深入的反思。通过本课题的研究和实践为此后《大学计算机基础》课程以及其他相关课程的有效开展作了铺垫,也为其他兄弟院校提供了借鉴。
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of computer technology and network technology, computers and their related applications have penetrated into all fields of society, accelerated, and promoted the process of social information. At the same time, it also makes the information society need more and more talents. Mastering the basic knowledge of computer and mastering the basic application of computer have become the basic requirements of talents in 21th century. The integration of information technology, which is based on computer technology, has promoted the development of disciplines, with the intersection and integration of disciplines. Different majors also put forward higher and more specific requirements for students' computer application ability. The level of computer has become an outstanding symbol to measure the professional quality and comprehensive ability of college students. "College computer Foundation" has become one of the main basic courses in the education of social science and natural science, etc. It is the public foundation and compulsory course of all universities including media colleges and universities. At present, the teaching form of the course "College computer fundamentals" in various colleges and universities is still extending to the traditional teaching mode: first, teaching in large classes, or concentrating students of many majors together; second, "one size fits all," depending on the students' basic knowledge. With the globalization of the network environment, the increasing number of home computers, the popularization of information technology in primary and secondary schools, and the majority of new entrants have some basic computer knowledge. In teaching, we should fully understand the students' basic knowledge, interest level, professional background, and pay attention to the differences of students' individual existence. Under the premise of the current educational form, we should innovate the teaching of this course. In view of the present teaching situation of the course "basic computer in University" in various colleges and universities, combined with the academic situation of Hebei Institute of Communication, and referring to the questionnaire survey of the freshmen of the class of 2012, By comparing the traditional teaching with various teaching methods, this paper puts forward the application of hierarchical teaching to the teaching of the course of College computer Foundation, based on a large number of literature investigations. This paper defines the concept of stratified teaching, explains the methods and research ideas used in the study of this subject, from simple to deep, from surface to inside, from concrete to abstract, from simple to deep, from surface to inside, from concrete to abstract, from simple to deep, from surface to inside, from concrete to abstract. From simple to complex understanding law and related theory of pedagogy to explain the theoretical basis of hierarchical teaching, summed up the characteristics of layered teaching, By analyzing the present situation of the teaching of the course "College computer Foundation" in media colleges and universities, this paper compares stratified teaching with traditional teaching. This paper highlights the advantages of the application of hierarchical teaching in this course and the necessity of carrying out layered teaching, and discusses in detail the concrete implementation process of layered teaching mode in the course of "College computer Foundation" in media colleges and universities. According to the implementation strategy of course setup, teaching evaluation, application of teaching materials, and according to the characteristics of students' specialty, the students, teaching contents, teaching methods, practical links and assessment methods are stratified according to the layered teaching mode. It fully reflects the teaching characteristics of layered teaching in media colleges and universities. Finally, after affirming the layered teaching of the course "College computer Foundation", Through the research and practice of this subject, it lays the groundwork for the effective development of the course of College computer Foundation and other related courses. Also for other brother colleges and universities to provide reference.


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2 王东来;黄斌;;探索应用型本科计算机基础教学的改革与实践[J];大家;2010年02期

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8 陈曦;;国外分层教学案例探究[J];广西教育;2009年20期

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1 张杰亭;高中数学分层教学理论与实践[D];华中师范大学;2003年

2 李长勤;新课程背景下分层教学研究[D];华中师范大学;2008年




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