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发布时间:2018-03-05 03:06

  本文选题:教师组织承诺 切入点:情感承诺 出处:《新疆师范大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:高校教师组织承诺是连接教师与学校的心理纽带,与教师的工作态度、工作表现和去留倾向有密切关系,它不仅影响学校组织的效益与效能,而且与整个高等教育事业息息相关。本研究通过文献分析法、问卷调查法、数理统计分析法,对乌鲁木齐5所高校的300名专职教师进行调查研究,初步分析高校教师组织承诺的现状,探讨个人因素、组织因素对高校教师组织承诺的影响,并根据研究的结果对管理机构提出相关建议,以期提高教师的承诺水平、增强学校的管理效能。 实证研究结果表明:第一,乌鲁木齐高校教师组织承诺处于中等水平,其中规范承诺水平最高,情感承诺次之,继续承诺水平最低。第二,通过方差分析得出,个人因素对高校教师组织承诺及其各维度存在不同影响:性别、民族和学历在高校教师情感承诺和继续承诺上均有显著差异;年龄在31-40岁的高校教师与30岁以下的高校教师在情感承诺、规范承诺上有显著差异;已婚教师的规范承诺水平显著高于未婚教师;教龄和职称在高校教师组织承诺的各个维度上均不存在显著性差异。第三,通过相关分析得出,组织因素中的组织支持、工作满意度与教师组织承诺呈显著的正相关;而工作压力因素与组织承诺有负相关。第四,通过回归分析得出,,高校教师感情承诺的主要影响因素包括专业支持、人际关系满意度和组织功能压力、人际沟通压力;高校教师规范承诺的主要影响因素包括专业支持、工作本身满意度、社会支持压力;高校教师继续承诺的影响因素包括生活支持、薪酬管理满意度和职业发展压力。 根据上述结论,本文从教师组织承诺的三个维度有针对性地提出了提高乌鲁木齐高校教师组织承诺水平的对策和建议:第一,实行“以人为本”的职业生涯管理,提升高校教师组织承诺的整体水平;第二,创造良好的人际关系,促进民族共同体,增强高校教师的情感承诺;第三,构建和谐的社会支持体系,营造民主的高校文化,稳固高校教师的规范承诺;第四,建立科学合理的薪酬管理体系,注重双重需求,改善高校教师的继续承诺。
[Abstract]:The organizational commitment of college teachers is the psychological link between teachers and schools, which is closely related to teachers' working attitude, job performance and retention tendency. It not only affects the efficiency and efficiency of school organization, but also influences the efficiency of the organization. And it is closely related to the whole cause of higher education. Through the methods of literature analysis, questionnaire investigation and mathematical statistics analysis, 300 full-time teachers in five colleges and universities in Urumqi are investigated and studied in this study. This paper analyzes the present situation of teachers' organizational commitment in colleges and universities, probes into the influence of individual factors and organizational factors on the organizational commitment of university teachers, and puts forward relevant suggestions to the management institutions according to the results of the research, in order to improve the teachers' commitment level. Enhance the efficiency of school management. The empirical results show that: first, the organizational commitment of teachers in Urumqi is at the middle level, among which the normative commitment is the highest, the affective commitment is the second, and the continuing commitment is the lowest. Personal factors have different influences on teachers' organizational commitment and its dimensions: gender, nationality and education have significant differences in teachers' emotional commitment and continuing commitment; There are significant differences in emotional commitment and normative commitment between college teachers aged 31-40 years and those under 30 years old, the level of normative commitment of married teachers is significantly higher than that of unmarried teachers. There is no significant difference between teaching age and professional title in all dimensions of teachers' organizational commitment. Thirdly, through correlation analysis, it is concluded that organizational support, job satisfaction and teachers' organizational commitment are significantly positively correlated with organizational factors; There is a negative correlation between job stress and organizational commitment. 4th. By regression analysis, it is concluded that the main influencing factors of college teachers' emotional commitment include professional support, interpersonal relationship satisfaction, organizational functional stress, interpersonal communication stress; The main influencing factors of college teachers' normative commitment include professional support, job satisfaction, social support pressure, and the influencing factors of college teachers' continuing commitment include life support, salary management satisfaction and career development pressure. According to the above conclusions, this paper puts forward the countermeasures and suggestions to improve the level of teachers' organizational commitment in Urumqi from the three dimensions of teachers' organizational commitment: first, to implement the "people-oriented" career management. Promote the overall level of university teachers' organizational commitment; second, create good interpersonal relations, promote national community, enhance the emotional commitment of university teachers; third, build a harmonious social support system, create a democratic university culture, In 4th, we should establish a scientific and reasonable salary management system, pay attention to double needs and improve the continuing commitment of college teachers.


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