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发布时间:2018-03-05 06:08

  本文选题:高等教育 切入点:民营企业 出处:《天津大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:进入21世纪后,高等教育开始向多种层次、多种形式发展。随着人们对高等教育的期望越来越高,各个高校的竞争也越来越激烈。为了满足社会对高素质人才的需求并提高高校的综合竞争力,各个高校在教育的软硬件投资上也开始加大力度,单纯依靠财政拨款的旧体制已不能满足高校的资金运转,因此,高等教育的投资体制也逐步转变成以财政拨款为主,多渠道筹集资金的新体制。 高等教育这种投资空间吸引的社会资金中,很大部分来自于民营企业,民营企业在参与高等教育事业建设和发展的同时,也从中获取合理的收益,进而促进了高等教育产业化的进程。 论文首先研究国内外关于民营企业投资高等教育的相关理论,进而对中国目前在此领域的发展现状进行描述,,并从中分析了民营企业这种投资战略的利弊得失。在战略分析上,采用PEST分析,SWOT分析法对民营企业的这种战略投资进行深度剖析。之后,引入投资高等教育的民营企业吉利集团的实例进行论证分析,建议从合作方选取、管理体制设立、产权明晰及办学特色突出四个方面综合考虑投资战略,最后对民营企业投资高等教育提出政策建议,呼吁政府、企业与高校建立健全法规,完善监督机制。
[Abstract]:In 21th century, higher education began to develop at various levels and in various forms. With the increasing expectations of higher education, In order to meet the needs of the society for high-quality talents and improve the comprehensive competitiveness of colleges and universities, the investment in software and hardware in education has also begun to increase. The old system of relying solely on the financial allocation can no longer meet the fund operation of colleges and universities. Therefore, the investment system of higher education has been gradually transformed into a new system, which is based on financial allocation and raised funds through many channels. A large part of the social capital attracted by the investment space of higher education comes from private enterprises. While participating in the construction and development of higher education, private enterprises also obtain reasonable profits from it. Further, it promotes the process of industrialization of higher education. Firstly, this paper studies the theories of private enterprises investing in higher education at home and abroad, and then describes the current situation of China's development in this field. The advantages and disadvantages of this kind of investment strategy of the private enterprise are analyzed. In the strategic analysis, the PEST analysis is used to analyze the strategic investment of the private enterprise in depth. A case study of Geely Group, a private enterprise with investment in higher education, is carried out. It is suggested that the investment strategy should be considered comprehensively from four aspects: the selection of the partner, the establishment of the management system, the clarity of property rights and the outstanding characteristics of running a school. Finally, it puts forward some policy suggestions for private enterprises to invest in higher education, and appeals to the government, enterprises and universities to establish and perfect laws and regulations and perfect the supervision mechanism.


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