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发布时间:2018-03-05 07:15

  本文选题:新媒体 切入点:大学生爱国主义教育 出处:《兰州交通大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:Patriotism is a fine tradition of the Chinese nation, a great force that promotes the people of the whole country to unite as one, make great efforts, never give up, and always inspire the Chinese people to strive for the prosperity and strength of the Chinese nation. College students are the future of the motherland. The hope of the nation, their values, political stand and moral quality determine the rise and fall of China. The patriotic education of college students is an important subject of ideological and political education in colleges and universities. With the rapid development of information technology, The new media, represented by the Internet and smart phones, have changed the main ways to disseminate and obtain information for college students, and expanded the media platforms for information reception and knowledge transmission. The extensive application of new media technology has brought opportunities to the patriotic education of college students, and at the same time, it has also brought about educational methods to educators and educational methods in colleges and universities. Under the background of new media, the patriotic feelings and beliefs of college students are impacted by the pluralistic social values, and their behavior is easy to be extreme. It is not conducive to the growth and development of individuals and the long-term stability of the country. In the virtual network world, the traditional mode of patriotic education has lost its appeal, the authority of educators has been dispelled, and its credibility has been reduced. The difficulty of handling and supervising the crisis information is increasing day by day. In the face of the complex and changeable new media communication environment, The effectiveness of patriotism education for college students is being severely tested. College students are the most widely used and active group of new media. We should actively consider and explore the path choice of patriotism education for college students under the background of new media. From the perspective of network of patriotism education for college students, this paper tries to understand the current situation and influence of the use of new media among college students. As well as the positive and negative effects of the new media environment on the patriotism education of college students. Through the implementation of various online "second classroom" teaching activities, we should give full play to the hidden educational communication function of the campus network culture. To actively develop online counseling and psychological counseling for college students, so as to give full play to the educational advantages of the network media reasonably and effectively. Through the construction of a new carrier education front, such as setting up a website platform for patriotism education, To enhance the appeal and attraction of educational content, to increase the influence and diffusivity of patriotism education-type Weibo, WeChat and other virtual communities, and to cultivate campus opinion leaders; To create and popularize the mobile phone app with red cultural themes, to facilitate college students to accept the baptism of revolutionary culture and patriotic faith education at any time and anywhere, to open a blog column on expert patriotism education, to answer hot topics, and to spread the idea of authority. To guide college students to set up correct political goal, political principle and political stand with the role of example and demonstration. At the same time, by constantly improving the quality of the college educator and the media accomplishment, Strengthen the self-discipline education and media literacy education of college students to effectively improve the effectiveness of patriotism education of college students under the new media background.


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