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发布时间:2018-03-05 10:40

  本文选题:高校办学自主权 切入点:政府管理 出处:《郑州大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:高校办学自主权是高等教育管理中一个非常重要的问题,也是当前我国教育体制改革和行政体制改革中重要的环节,它的落实情况关系到高校和政府关系的平衡与否。高校办学自主权从本质上提倡高校的自主发展和政府的适度管理,让高校可以自由地追求学术和自主管理。但我国政府与高校的关系一直都非常紧密,在很长一段时间内,高校都处在政府的全面管理之下。从目前我国高校办学自主权的落实情况来看其效果还不是很理想,一些问题已经愈发凸显,这已经阻碍了我国高等教育体制改革的步伐。因此,随着社会经济和高等教育事业的不断发展,落实高校办学自主权,改善政府管理,协调政府和高校的关系,对保证我国高校自主健康发展,为社会经济发展提供人才支持和科技保障等方面,都具有重要的意义。 本文首先运用文献资料和历史分析法,对国内外的相关文献进行研究分析,其次利用合作治理理论、第三部门理论、行政法等理论工具对高校办学自主权和政府管理的内涵、发展历程、现状、问题及原因进行分析梳理,然后通过对国外教育先进国家的政府管理模式进行分析,借鉴其成功经验,最后在针对我国高校办学自主权落实存在的问题及如何完善政府管理提出优化路径——政府首先应转变思想,树立服务型政府和有限型政府的理念;要逐步由依靠行政手段向依靠制定教育政策的方式来实现对高等教育的管理;要引入市场机制和第三方机构参与管理并逐步完善我国法律体系,为高校办学自主权的落实提供法律保障并建立高校自身良性运作机制。总之,在落实高校办学自主权的问题上,政府应坚持宏观管理、监督引导为主,充分调动高校、社会教育力量、市场机制等的积极性和责任意识,协调配合,这样才能平衡好政府与高校的关系,进而促进高等事业的良好发展。
[Abstract]:The autonomy of running a university is a very important issue in the management of higher education, and it is also an important link in the reform of the educational system and the administrative system in our country. Its implementation is related to the balance or not of the relationship between the university and the government. In essence, the autonomy of the university in running a school advocates the independent development of the university and the moderate management of the government. Let colleges and universities freely pursue academic and autonomous management. But the relationship between our government and universities has always been very close, in a very long period of time, Colleges and universities are under the overall management of the government. Judging from the current situation of implementing the autonomy of running schools in our country, the effect is not very satisfactory, and some problems have become increasingly prominent. This has hindered the pace of the reform of China's higher education system. Therefore, with the continuous development of the social economy and the cause of higher education, it is necessary to implement the autonomy of running a university, improve government management, and coordinate the relationship between the government and the university. It is of great significance to ensure the independent and healthy development of colleges and universities in our country, to provide talent support and scientific and technological support for the social and economic development. In this paper, we first use the literature and historical analysis method to study and analyze the relevant literature at home and abroad, and then use the theory of cooperative governance, the third sector theory, administrative law and other theoretical tools to the autonomy of running schools and the connotation of government management. The course of development, current situation, problems and reasons are analyzed and combed, and then through the analysis of the mode of government management in the advanced countries of foreign education, the successful experience is used for reference. Finally, in view of the problems existing in the implementation of the autonomy of running a university in our country and how to perfect the government management, the government should first change its thinking and set up the concept of service-oriented government and limited government. It is necessary to gradually realize the management of higher education from relying on administrative means to drawing up educational policies, to introduce market mechanism and third party institutions to participate in the management and to gradually improve our legal system. In a word, the government should insist on macro management, supervise and guide, and fully mobilize colleges and universities. In order to balance the relationship between government and colleges and promote the good development of higher education, the social education force, market mechanism, enthusiasm and responsibility consciousness, coordination and cooperation can balance the relationship between the government and colleges and universities.


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