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发布时间:2018-03-05 20:07

  本文选题:政府 切入点:校企合作 出处:《西北师范大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:文章综合查阅研究的大量国内外校企合作的参考文献和资料,针对我国现阶段校企合作中的问题进行,运用MPA学习中掌握的文献研究法和比较研究法对问题展开研究和论证。 首先,明确政府在校企合作的宏观指导、协调统筹、监督管理、财政支持、法律保障作用,要在立法监管、搭建公共信息平台方面支持保证校企合作的健康可持续地发展。 其次,通过现状分析指出我国校企合作现状存在的问题,并对原因进行分析解析,列举了复旦大学管理学院等相关院校在校企合作中的成功案例,,都不同程度得到政府的支持和帮助和支持。“他山之石,可以攻玉”文章也例举了国外校企合作开展的经验和教训。 最后,总结出政府促进校企合作的措施主要应体现在树立观念,改变认识;完善政策,设计制度;建立创新合作机制;完善评价体系。 总之,当今中国经济的快速发展,建立具有创新型人才培养体系的、学习型国家任务迫切,我们需要坚定不移地朝着这个明确的目标投入不懈的努力和追求。国家教育的实力关系到国家经济发展和竞争力,教育的发展离不开建立牢固的长期良好的校企合作关系。校企合作双方,企业和高校有着不同的利益取向,这不可避免地会在双方实际合作中面临很多困难。而作为第三方的管理社会公共事业政府机构,应该采取相应的措施和政策,鼓励促进校企合作的发展,树立政府在校企合作中的主导地位,立足中国实际发展情况,积极探索切实可行的校企合作模式,完善优化政府参与校企合作的模式,为建立朝着健康之路蓬勃发展而努力。
[Abstract]:In this paper, a large number of references and materials on the cooperation between schools and enterprises at home and abroad are reviewed comprehensively. Aiming at the problems in the cooperation between schools and enterprises at the present stage in our country, the paper studies and demonstrates the problems by using the literature research method and the comparative research method in MPA study. First of all, make clear the macro guidance, coordination, supervision and management, financial support and legal protection role of the government in the cooperation between schools and enterprises, and support the healthy and sustainable development of cooperation between schools and enterprises in the aspects of legislative supervision and building public information platform. Secondly, through the analysis of the current situation, points out the problems existing in the current situation of cooperation between schools and enterprises in China, and analyzes the reasons, enumerates the successful cases of the relevant colleges and universities, such as Fudan University School of Management, in the cooperation between schools and enterprises. All of them are supported and supported by the government to varying degrees. The article of "the Stone of other Mountains can attack the Jade" also gives examples of the experiences and lessons of the cooperation between foreign schools and enterprises. Finally, it concludes that the government's measures to promote cooperation between schools and enterprises should be embodied in setting up ideas, changing understanding, perfecting policies, designing systems, establishing innovative cooperation mechanisms, and perfecting evaluation system. In short, with the rapid economic development of China today, it is urgent to establish a learning country with an innovative talent training system. We need to unswervingly put in unremitting efforts and pursuit towards this clear goal. The strength of the country's education is related to the country's economic development and competitiveness. The development of education is inseparable from the establishment of a solid long-term and good cooperative relationship between the school and the enterprise. The cooperation between the school and the enterprise, the enterprise and the university have different interests. This will inevitably face a lot of difficulties in practical cooperation between the two sides. As a third party to manage social public utilities, government agencies should take appropriate measures and policies to encourage the development of cooperation between schools and enterprises. To establish the leading position of the government in the cooperation between the school and the enterprise, based on the actual development of China, to explore the feasible mode of cooperation between the school and the enterprise actively, to perfect and optimize the mode of the government participating in the cooperation between the school and the enterprise, and to make great efforts to establish a healthy road for vigorous development.


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