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发布时间:2018-03-06 05:17

  本文选题:独立学院 切入点:辅导员 出处:《南京农业大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:独立学院是我国在高等教育大众化发展过程中,充分利用现有的和不断扩大的新的优质高等教育资源有效形式的一种全新的办学模式,是高等教育发展模式的一项创举。作为高校教师的一部分,独立学院辅导员在学生成长成才的道路上起着非常重要的引领作用,但是由于种种原因,独立学院的辅导员往往比同校教师或其他普通高校的辅导员担负了更多的压力与责任,付出与所得不成正比,亟待需要高效合理的激励制度来加强队伍建设。虽然S学院在完善辅导员激励机制方面做过一些探索,但却不成系统,较为零散,已经不能适应学院现阶段发展的需要,因此重新设计一套适合S独立学院实际的辅导员激励机制显得尤为重要。 本文的主要章节分为绪论,相关概念界定和理论阐释,独立学院辅导员特征分析,S独立学院辅导员激励机制实证研究,S独立学院辅导员激励机制再设计及结论与展望等六部分。 本文的第五部分是重点章节。主要从设计思路;设计原则(即以人为本的原则、公平性原则、差异性原则、系统性原则、灵活性与稳定性相统一的原则、可操作性原则);激励机制再设计(即薪酬激励再设计、职业生涯激励再设计、绩效考评再设计、培训机制再设计、情感激励再设计和环境激励再设计)三个方面进行了阐述。 建立健全一整套独立学院辅导员激励机制并不是一蹴而就的,需要科学的激励理论作为指导,贴合的激励措施作为抓手,现代人力资源的技术作为保证。S独立学院在辅导员激励机制建设的进程中路漫漫,吾将上下而求索。
[Abstract]:The independent college is a new mode of running a school in the course of the popularization of higher education in our country, which makes full use of the existing and expanding new effective form of higher education resources. As a part of college teachers, independent college counselors play a very important leading role in the growth of students, but for a variety of reasons, Counselors in independent colleges often bear more pressure and responsibility than their peers or counselors in other colleges and universities, and their efforts are not proportional to their gains. There is an urgent need for an efficient and reasonable incentive system to strengthen the construction of the contingent. Although S College has made some explorations in improving the incentive mechanism for counselors, it is not systematic and scattered, and can no longer meet the needs of the development of the college at the present stage. Therefore, it is very important to redesign a set of incentive mechanism suitable for S independent college. The main chapters of this paper are introduction, definition of relevant concepts and theoretical interpretation. An empirical study on the incentive Mechanism of the counselors in Independent Colleges; six parts: redesign, conclusion and prospect of the incentive mechanism of the counselors in the Independent College. The 5th part of this article is the key chapter. It is mainly from the design thought, the design principle (namely, the people-oriented principle, the fairness principle, the difference principle, the systematic principle, the flexibility and the stability unification principle, The principle of maneuverability, the redesign of incentive mechanism (that is, salary incentive redesign, career incentive redesign, performance evaluation redesign, training mechanism redesign, emotional incentive redesign and environmental incentive redesign) are expounded. It is not easy to establish and perfect a whole set of incentive mechanism for independent college counselors. It needs scientific incentive theory as guidance and appropriate incentive measures as grasp. The technology of modern human resources as the guarantee of. S independent college in the course of counselor incentive mechanism construction is a long way, I will look up and down.


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