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发布时间:2018-03-06 06:25

  本文选题:高校微博 切入点:现状 出处:《中南民族大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:微博,是微型博客(Microblog)的简称。和传统媒体相比,微博发布更方便,传播也更迅速,而且发布的平台也更多,可以通过电脑,也可以通过手机等来阅读或发布,传播信息可以实时到达,并且可以一键转发,发布的字数被限定在140个字内。正是因为微博具有实时传播、信息丰富和裂变式传播的特点,这个特点正好跟网民对于获取信息“碎片化”、“高频率”的需要符合,所以微博很快成为了新一代网络传播工具[1]。在2007年的时候,中国市场开始出现微博,如叽歪、饭否等,到了2009年的时候,新浪、腾讯、网易和搜狐等四大门户网站的加入才使得微博迅速发展,国内高校开通微博的时间主要集中在2010年10月至2011年1月。截止2012年12月31日,腾讯、新浪两大微博注册用户突破10.7亿,日均活跃用户数在1.3亿。①② 全国各地越来越多的高校机构、校长、教授也纷纷开设微博,将其作为塑造学校形象、招生宣传、师生交流以及作为文化传承创新载体的平台。高校微博以其及时、方便与互动的特性,正异军突起,其影响力更胜往日的高校BBS,高校的知名度、影响力也因此得以大大提升。高校官方微博、校内相关组织微博以及高校的专家学者微博构筑的高校微博矩阵,形成了一块“风景秀丽”、影响力巨大的网络教育园地。不过,伴随高校微博的兴起和发展,一系列新挑战、新问题亦逐步显现,比如部分微博的更新速度较慢,内容严肃,互动性差,管理队伍不健全等,,如何进一步丰富高校微博的表现形式、提升影响力、加强规范管理等问题,已经非常急迫。 目前,国内学术界对高校官方微博的研究处于起步阶段,本报告主要针对高校官方微博的相关数据,对我国高校官方微博的发展现状、主要功能、存在问题和解决对策等进行分析,力求客观反映我国高校微博的整体情况,应用传播学中的意见领袖、受众理论、“把关人”理论等为高校各方关于高校官方微博的决策制定与微博运营提供参考意见。
[Abstract]:Weibo, the acronym for microblog. Compared with traditional media, Weibo publishes more conveniently, disseminates more quickly, and has more platforms to publish. It can be read or published through computers, mobile phones, etc. The spread of information can be reached in real time, and can be forwarded in one click. The number of words published is limited to 140 characters. It is precisely because Weibo has the characteristics of real-time transmission, rich information and fission transmission. This characteristic coincides with the needs of netizens for "fragmentation" and "high frequency" of access to information. Therefore, Weibo soon became a new generation of network communication tools. In 2007, the Chinese market began to appear in the Chinese market, such as tidbit, rice, etc. By January 2011, the addition of four major portals, Sina, Tencent, NetEase and Sohu, had led to the rapid development of Weibo. The time for domestic colleges and universities to open Weibo was mainly from October 2010 to January 2011. As of December 31st 2012, Tencent, Sina two big Weibo registered users break through 1.07 billion, daily average active user number is 130 million. 12. More and more institutions of higher learning, presidents and professors throughout the country have also set up Weibo as a platform for shaping the school image, recruiting students, communicating with teachers and students, and acting as a carrier of cultural heritage and innovation. The characteristics of convenience and interaction are emerging, and the influence of BBS, which is more influential than in the past, has been greatly enhanced by the popularity and influence of colleges and universities. Weibo, the relevant organization in the school, as well as the university expert and scholar Weibo, have constructed a "beautiful landscape" and a network education garden with great influence. However, with the rise and development of Weibo, a series of new challenges have emerged. New problems are also gradually emerging, such as the slow updating speed of some Weibo, serious content, poor interactivity, unsound management team, and so on. How to further enrich the expression form of Weibo in colleges and universities, enhance its influence, and strengthen its normative management, etc. It is already very urgent. At present, the research on university official Weibo in domestic academic circles is in the initial stage. This report mainly aims at the relevant data of the university official Weibo, and the main function of the development of the university official Weibo in our country. The existing problems and solutions are analyzed in order to objectively reflect the overall situation of Weibo in colleges and universities in China, and to apply the opinion leaders in the field of communication. Audience theory, "gatekeeper" theory and so on, provide references for all parties in colleges and universities about the decision-making of university official Weibo and the operation of Weibo.


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2 马利;;微博:组工文化建设的新载体[J];党建研究;2010年12期

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