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发布时间:2018-03-06 08:19

  本文选题:师范生 切入点:职业生涯规划 出处:《广西师范大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:当今社会正处在快速发展的社会转型期,各行各业竞争异常激烈,要想在这场竞争中脱颖而出并立于不败之地,需要未雨绸缪,做好职业生涯规划。师范生,作为大学生中特殊群体,随着师范类毕业生就业政策的放开,师范生开始真正进入就业市场,然而随着高校的不断扩招,师范生面临的就业形势越来越严峻,师范生的就业压力也越来越大。近些时日,人们对职业生涯规划的倾注程度逐渐提高,对职业生涯规划的相关研究不断丰富,然而,选择以师范生为研究对象的并不多。在此背景下,专门针对师范生的职业生涯规划研究显得尤为重要,具有重要的现实意义。师范生进行职业生涯规划有助于其树立明确的职业发展目标,增强其在就业中的竞争力,从而促进高校实现人才培养的目标。本文专门对师范生职业生涯规划做出研究,希望能够推动师范生职业生涯规划活动的运行与发展。 本文按照提出问题、分析问题、解决问题的思路,分为五个部分: 第一部分是前言,主要论述本文的选题缘由及研究意义,总结了国内外职业生涯规划综述,明晰了职业生涯规划相关概念界定及相关理论,以及介绍了本课题的研究设计。 第二部分通过《师范生职业生涯规划调查问卷》的调查分析,了解了师范生职业生涯规划的现状。 第三部分是根据调查的结果挖掘师范生职业生涯规划存在的问题,主要有:缺乏全面客观的自我认知;缺乏深入的职业认知;职业目标模糊;自我反馈修正积极性不高,缺乏执行力;专业师资力量薄弱;生涯辅导的针对性教育意识淡薄;缺乏多样性社会实践活动;测评工具使用率低。 第四部分针对师范生职业生涯规划存在的问题,提出了相应的可行的对策与实施建议。从个人角度出发,做到:第一,客观分析科学测评,要全面正视与认知自我;第二,提早做好职业准备,做到“学以致用、用以致学”;第三,勤于思考善于反思,积极主动自我调整与修正;第四,积极参与社会实践,提高综合素质与就业力;从高校角度来看,要努力做到:第一,深化高校专业辅导,构建职业规划师资体系;第二,延伸高校社会课堂,为师范生搭建实践平台;第三,以素质拓展为主线,开发凸显师范特色的课;第四,开展深度针对辅导,立足以人为本优质服务;第五,构建创新指导体系,向全程阶段化模式转变;第六,搭建网络信息平台,建立与实现远程式教学;从政府和社会角度出发,要制定职业生涯规划教育的配套政策,二是需要社会相关部门积极参与。 第五部分为结沦,简单总结了本文所取得的研究成果。
[Abstract]:Today's society is in a period of rapid development and the competition in various industries is extremely fierce. In order to stand out and remain invincible in this competition, we need to plan ahead and make a good career plan. As a special group of college students, with the liberalization of the employment policy of normal college graduates, normal students begin to enter the employment market. However, with the continuous expansion of enrollment in colleges and universities, the employment situation faced by normal college students is becoming more and more serious. In recent years, the degree of people's devotion to career planning has gradually increased, and the related research on career planning has become more and more abundant, however, Under this background, it is very important to study the career planning of normal college students. It is of great practical significance that normal college students' career planning can help them to set a clear goal of career development and enhance their competitiveness in employment. In order to promote colleges and universities to achieve the goal of talent training. This paper specifically studies the career planning of normal college students, hoping to promote the operation and development of normal college students' career planning activities. This paper is divided into five parts according to the ideas of putting forward problems, analyzing problems and solving problems. The first part is the preface, which mainly discusses the reason and significance of this paper, summarizes the summary of career planning at home and abroad, clarifies the definition of relevant concepts and related theories of career planning, and introduces the research and design of this topic. In the second part, through the investigation and analysis of the questionnaire of career Planning of normal School students, the author finds out the present situation of the career Planning of normal School students. The third part is based on the results of the investigation to explore the existing problems in career planning of normal school students, including: lack of comprehensive and objective self-cognition; lack of in-depth professional cognition; vague career goals; low enthusiasm for self-feedback correction. Lack of executive power; weak professional teachers; weak sense of targeted education of career guidance; lack of diverse social practice activities; low use of evaluation tools. In the 4th part, according to the problems existing in the career planning of the normal college students, the author puts forward the corresponding feasible countermeasures and implementation suggestions. From the personal point of view, it can be done: first, to objectively analyze the scientific evaluation, to comprehensively face up to and recognize oneself; second, Be prepared for your career ahead of time, so as to "use what you learn to learn"; third, be diligent in thinking and thinking, and actively adjust and revise yourself; 4th, actively participate in social practice to improve your comprehensive quality and employability; and look at it from the perspective of higher education. It is necessary to make great efforts to: first, deepen professional guidance in colleges and universities, and construct a teacher system for career planning; second, extend the social classroom in colleges and universities and set up a practical platform for normal school students; third, take quality expansion as the main line, develop courses that highlight the characteristics of teachers' training; 4th, carry out in-depth guidance, based on people-oriented quality service; 5th, build innovative guidance system, to the whole process of the transformation of the mode of stage, 6th, build a network information platform, establish and realize distance teaching; From the angle of government and society, it is necessary to formulate the supporting policies of career planning and education, and the second is to actively participate in the relevant social departments. The 5th part is the conclusion, and summarizes the research results obtained in this paper.


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