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发布时间:2018-03-07 22:10

  本文选题:90后大学生 切入点:消费价值观 出处:《河北师范大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:消费,,是人类社会再生产(生产、分配、交换、消费)四个环节中的末端环节,是人类社会生活的最终目的,同时也是人类进行物质循环生产的开端。马克思曾经指出“人从出现在地球舞台上的第一天起,每天都要消费,不管在他开始生产以前和生产期间都是一样。”所以,没有消费,人类也就无可谈生存与发展。尽管,人的消费心理、消费行为受当时社会生产力水平与个人经济条件影响,但是,在同一社会、同等经济条件下,不同消费主体的消费却不一定是一致的。这是因为人的消费除了受经济条件与社会生产力的影响,还会受到社会消费风气,传统消费习惯以及旁人消费等诸多因素的影响。在特定的社会经济条件下,最终影响人类消费的最重要的因素还是个人的消费价值观。总得说来,人的人生观、世界观与价值观决定着个人的消费价值观,但反过来,一个人的消费价值观同时也影响他已拥有的或者还未完全形成的人生观、世界观与价值观。正确的消费价值观会促使人们形成积极健康、乐观向上的人生理念,相反,不良的消费价值观则会使消费主体步入畸形消费的误区,严重者还会导致道德的缺失,滑入堕落的深渊。 一个时代的青年拥有着一个时代的烙印,不同时代的大学生们拥有不同的消费价值观,90后大学生是这个时代的特殊消费群体。一方面,90后大学生步入象牙塔接受大学教育,脱离了父母的干预,有了极为自主的消费决策权;另一方面,受消费主义与当代不良消费风气的影响,他们尚未完全成熟的消费心理,极容易受到诱惑与影响。因此,脱离了传统消费价值观的影响,在90后大学生中出现了许多崇尚个性、盲目攀比、追求品牌、奢侈等非理智的消费行为。这种不良的消费行为破坏着健康的校园消费环境、这种不成熟的消费心理导致畸形道德观的蔓延、这种偏失的消费观念腐蚀着他们正在形成的人生观、世界观与价值观。90后的这种不健康的消费观念不仅给个人以及家庭带来了沉重的经济负担,还影响着他们自身的身心健康发展。当今社会,在经济全球化影响下,中国经济迅猛发展,国家在考虑GDP增长因素的同时,也一直提倡构建节约环保型社会。作为这个时代的宠儿,90后大学生担当着国家未来优秀接班人的重要角色,为了使国家更加富强,人民更加富裕,90后大学生的消费价值观教育必须受到重视,无论是家庭、社会和学校都应当从各方面加以疏导与教育。否则,这种偏颇的消费价值观任其发展,那么后果将不堪设想。自然,90后大学生这种非理性的消费行为也是有诸多原因造成的,除了家长给予90后大学生经济方面的过度支持,还有高校对90后消费价值观教育的不足,以及消费主义在校园的蔓延等许多原因直接或者间接的影响着90后大学生的消费价值观。对这种不健康的消费价值观念的纠正需要依靠国家的相关政策法规加以调节,需要依靠高校思想政治教育的改革与加强,需要依靠家庭长辈的健康引导,更重要的是90后大学生自身确立正确、健康的消费价值观。 本文通过对河北省部分高校90后大学生的调查研究,提炼分析调查问卷数据,总结出90后大学生的消费现状,认为90后大学生的理性消费价值观仍占主流趋势。同时,梳理了90后大学生消费价值观念中存在的问题,他们储蓄观念淡薄、理财意识偏弱、依赖家长性强以及90后的消费倾向,从粗俗化的物质消费与商业化的文化消费两方面进行层层剖析。进而找出90后大学生不良消费价值观的形成原因及影响因素,从传统消费价值观到如今商业社会对这个群体的影响,再到学校、家庭、社会以及90后大学生个人自身的影响等因素。针对这些问题,提出了90后大学生健康消费价值观教育的内容、方法与路径。本文的创作旨在引起社会对90后大学生消费价值观的关注,加强对90后大学生的消费知识教育,优化90后大学生的校园消费环境,疏导90后大学生的消费心理,引导他们进行正确、理性的消费行为,从而树立和谐、绿色、健康的消费价值观。
[Abstract]:Is human consumption, social reproduction (production, distribution, exchange, consumption) at the end of four links in the link, is the ultimate goal of human social life, is also the beginning of material cycle of production. Marx once pointed out that "people from the first day on earth on the stage, consumption every day, no matter in before he started production and production period are the same. So, no consumption, there is no talk about human survival and development. However, people's consumption psychology, consumption behavior by the level of social productivity and personal economic conditions influence, but in the same society, equal economic conditions, different consumption subjects the consumer is not necessarily the same. This is because the consumer is not only affected by the economic conditions and social productivity, but also by social consumption atmosphere, the influence of the traditional consumption habits and other factors such as the consumption. The specific social and economic conditions, and ultimately the most important factor influencing human consumption or personal consumption values. Generally speaking, people's outlook on life, world outlook and values determines individual consumption values, but on the other hand, a person's consumption values also influence he has had or still not completely the formation of outlook on life, world outlook and values. The correct consuming values will encourage people to form a positive, optimistic outlook on life, on the contrary, misunderstanding of unhealthy consumption values will make consumers into abnormal consumption, severe cases can cause the lack of ethics, slide into the abyss.
A young age with the mark of an era, college students of different ages have different consumption values, 90 students is a special consumer groups of this era. On the one hand, 90 students into the ivory tower to accept university education from parental intervention has been extremely consumer decision-making autonomy; on the other on the one hand, under the influence of contemporary consumerism and unhealthy consumption style, their consumption psychology has not yet fully mature, extremely vulnerable to temptation and influence. Therefore, from the traditional consumer values, the individuality, the 90 students blindly, the pursuit of brand, luxury consumer behavior and other non rational. This bad consumer behavior undermines the very healthy campus consumption environment, this not mature consumer psychology lead to abnormal values spread, this deviation is their consumption concept of corrosion The formation of outlook on life, world outlook and values. The burden of 90 this unhealthy consumption concept not only to individuals and families, but also affects their physical and mental health development. Nowadays, under the influence of economic globalization, the rapid development of the national economy China, considering the GDP growth factor at the same time also, has always advocated building environment-friendly society. As the darling of the era, the important role of 90 students as the national outstanding successors of the future, in order to make the country more prosperous, more affluent people, 90 students consuming values education must be paid attention to, whether it is family, society and school should be counseling and education from the. Otherwise, this biased consumption values left unchecked, then the consequences will be unbearable to contemplate. Naturally, 90 students such irrational consumption behavior also has many The cause, in addition to the parents give excessive support 90 students and the College of economics, 90 consumer values education is insufficient, and the spread of consumerism in the campus and many other reasons directly or indirectly affect the 90 students consumption values. This kind of unhealthy consumption values to correct the need to rely on the relevant policies and regulations the state regulated, and the need to rely on reforms to strengthen the ideological and political education, need to rely on the elder of the family health guide, more important is the college students to establish the correct, healthy consumption values.
Based on the investigation of university students in Hebei province after 90, refine the questionnaire data analysis, summed up the consumption status of university students, university students think rational consumption values are still the mainstream trend. At the same time, there are sort of university students consumption values in their savings, the concept of weak, weak awareness of financial dependence, the parents of strong and 90 tendency for consumption, material consumption and commercialization from the vulgarity of cultural consumption in two aspects. The layers of analysis and then find out the reasons and factors affecting the formation of non-performing consumer values of 90 students, from the traditional consumer values to the social impact of business now for this group, and then to the school, family factors the social and personal effects of 90 students. Aiming at these problems, put forward the 90 students healthy consumption values education content and methods With the creation of this path. To arouse the society to the university students consumption values attention, strengthen consumer education for university students, optimizing 90 students campus consumption environment, the consumption of college students psychological counseling 90, guide them correctly, rational consumer behavior, so as to establish a harmonious, green, healthy consumption values.



相关博士学位论文 前2条

1 陶美重;高等教育消费研究[D];华中师范大学;2007年

2 王亚南;中国语境下的消费主义研究[D];华东师范大学;2009年




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