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发布时间:2018-03-08 11:08

  本文选题:马克思主义 切入点:人的全面发展 出处:《西南大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:在马克思主义理论体系中,人的全面发展思想占据着重要的地位,开放的、与时俱进的人的全面发展思想,是我们党的指导思想的重要组成部分。作为理论价值和实践价值相统一的科学理论,在当今全球化和我国社会主义现代化建设进程中,人的全面发展思想对当代中国仍具有价值导向作用。大学生是我国重要的人才储备,随着高等教育改革的推进,我国素质教育取得了长足进展,人文素质教育在取得一定成绩的同时,也陷入诸多困境。本文从马克思主义人的全面发展理论出发,落脚于大学生人文素质教育的实践,正文部分由四部分构成。 第一部分,马克思主义人的全面发展的理论阐释。本章通过大量的文献研究对马克思人的全面发展理论创立时期的社会历史背景、马克思主义人的全面发展的内容规定和马克思主义人的全面发展的实现途径做出阐释。对马克思人的全面发展理论中国化的内容进行解读。同时阐释了马克思主义人的全面发展在当前贯彻落实“科学发展观”和实现“中国梦”的现实语境下的价值。 第二部分,大学生人文素质教育与马克思主义人的全面发展理论的关系。即人文素质教育与马克思主义人的全而发展理论内涵的一致性;人文素质教育是实现马克思主义人的全面发展的现实路径之一:人文素质教育要以马克思主义人的全面发展学说以理论依据。 第三部分,大学生人文素质教育的现状与原因分析,对大学生人文素质建设的成就和不足分别进行阐述,从家庭、学校、社会和大学生自身出发,探讨了当前人文素质教育失落的原因。 第四部分,加强大学生人文素质教育促进人的全面发展,结合当前大学生人文素质教育中出现的问题和原因,提出加强当前大学生人文素质教育的六点建议。 总的来说,本文从马克思主义人的全而发展理论入手,对马克思人的全面发展理论和建国来党和国家的领导人对人的全面发展理论的丰富和发展做出梳理,分析了人的全面发展与大学生人文素质教育的关系,结合大学生人文素质教育的现状和成因,以期在马克思主义人的全面发展理论的指导下,更好的推动人文素质教育的实施。
[Abstract]:In the Marxist theoretical system, the overall development of human beings occupies an important position. It is an important part of our Party's guiding ideology. As a scientific theory with the unity of theoretical value and practical value, in the process of globalization and socialist modernization in our country, College students are an important talent reserve in our country. With the advancement of higher education reform, quality education in China has made great progress. At the same time, the humanistic quality education is also in many difficulties. This paper, based on the Marxist theory of all-round development of human beings, is based on the practice of the humanistic quality education of college students, the text of which is composed of four parts. The first part is the theoretical interpretation of the all-round development of Marxist human beings. This chapter studies the social and historical background of Marx's theory of all-round development of human beings in the period of its founding through a large number of literature studies. The content stipulation of the all-round development of Marxist human beings and the way to realize the all-round development of Marxist human beings are explained. The content of the theory of the all-round development of Marxist human beings in China is interpreted. At the same time, the main body of Marx is explained. The comprehensive development of the righteous man is in the realistic context of carrying out the concept of scientific development and realizing Chinese Dream. The second part, the relationship between the humanistic quality education of college students and the theory of the all-round development of Marxist people, that is, the consistency of the connotation of humanistic quality education and Marxist theory of all-round development of human beings; Humanistic quality education is one of the realistic ways to realize the all-round development of Marxist people: humanistic quality education should be based on Marxist theory of all-round development. The third part, the present situation and the reason analysis of the college students' humanistic quality education, the achievement and the insufficiency of the college students' humanistic quality construction are expounded separately, starting from the family, the school, the society and the university students themselves. This paper probes into the reasons for the loss of humanistic quality education at present. In the 4th part, strengthening the humanistic quality education of college students to promote the all-round development of human beings, combining with the problems and reasons in the current humanistic quality education of college students, the author puts forward six suggestions to strengthen the humanistic quality education of college students at present. In general, this paper begins with the Marxist theory of the all-round development of human beings, and combs the enrichment and development of the theory of the all-round development of human beings by the leaders of the Party and the country since the founding of the people's Republic of China. This paper analyzes the relationship between the all-round development of human beings and the humanistic quality education of college students, and combines the present situation and causes of the humanistic quality education of college students in order to better promote the implementation of humanistic quality education under the guidance of Marxist theory of all-round development of human beings.


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