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发布时间:2018-03-08 12:33

  本文选题:劳务派遣 切入点:人力资源管理 出处:《电子科技大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:劳务派遣是一种较为新型的用工模式,近年来得到了极为迅速的发展,根据近年全国总工会披露的数据显示,全国劳务派遣人员总数已经达到6000多万[1]。劳务派遣用工模式在机关单位、国有事业单位里使用较为普遍,,劳务派遣方式几乎已从一种特殊的制度现象,演变成一种社会现象。劳务派遣用工方式也因其低成本、弹性化且适应不同层次劳动力等优势,被越来越多的被用工单位所采用,特别是国内的高等院校,劳务派遣模式以它集中优势资源、简化劳务管理、合理规避劳动人事纠纷及降低人力资源成本等优势逐渐成为高校非核心的后勤管理部门的首要选择,在高校人力资源管理和发展中有着不可忽视的重要作用。 关于劳务派遣的研究,国内外学者多数从法律的视角来对劳务派遣中劳动关系进行研究,从管理的角度也多是站在劳务派遣单位及用人单位的立场上分析劳务派遣机制带来的利弊,对劳务派遣员工管理的研究方向比较少。而实际上,劳务派遣的用工方式更多的问题是用人单位在管理上不够完善,用工单位应该如何准确地理解劳务派遣制度,如何正确地看待劳务派遣机制,如何更好地对劳务派遣员工进行管理还缺少理论支持。因此,本文将从劳务派遣方式的认识为着手点,通过对劳务派遣的基本概念、基本理论、相关法规和用工管理的开展,为问题的研究建立理论基础。 本文研究以ZS职院为对象,通过对ZS职院劳务派遣员工管理的现状分析,调查ZS职院选择劳务派遣用工模式的背景和劳务派遣用工概况及管理现状,分析劳务派遣员工管理中存在的问题,制定有针对性的薪酬激励方向、职业发展方向、管理制度及方法。根据分析结果提出劳务派遣员工管理的优化策略,如建立完善的劳务派遣员工的绩效薪酬制度、帮助劳务派遣员工进行职业培训发展、建立有效的沟通渠道、选择合适的劳务派遣单位等。建议用工单位对劳务派遣用工模式进行反思,理性的思考使用劳务派遣方式的利与弊,准确使用和评判劳务派遣用工模式,积极进行派遣员工、派遣单位及用工单位三方的沟通与协调,重视并发挥劳务派遣员工的工作积极性,使劳务派遣用工形式能真正地在深化高等院校人事制度改革、促进学校发展中发挥积极作用。本研究成果可为其他企事业单位提高劳务派遣用工的管理水平,缓解劳资矛盾,促进用工单位在人力资源管理方面的发展,改善劳务派遣员工的就业质量提供一些有益的参考。
[Abstract]:Labor dispatch is a relatively new mode of employment, which has developed rapidly in recent years. According to the data disclosed by the National Federation of Trade unions in recent years, The total number of labor dispatch personnel in China has reached more than 60 million [1]. The mode of labor dispatch is widely used in government units and state-owned institutions, and the mode of labor dispatch has almost changed from a special system phenomenon. Because of its advantages of low cost, flexibility and adaptability to different levels of labor force, labor dispatch has been adopted by more and more employed units, especially in domestic colleges and universities. The mode of labor dispatch has gradually become the primary choice of the non-core logistics management department in colleges and universities because of its advantages of concentrating superior resources, simplifying labor management, reasonably avoiding labor and personnel disputes, and reducing the cost of human resources. It plays an important role in the management and development of human resources in colleges and universities. On the research of labor dispatch, most scholars at home and abroad study the labor relations in labor dispatch from the perspective of law. From the point of view of management, the advantages and disadvantages brought by labor dispatch mechanism are analyzed from the standpoint of labor dispatch unit and employing unit, and the research direction of labor dispatch employee management is less. In fact, The more problems of labor dispatch are that the employer is not perfect in management, how to understand the labor dispatch system accurately and how to treat the mechanism of labor dispatch correctly. Therefore, this paper will start with the understanding of the mode of labor dispatch, through the basic concept of labor dispatch, basic theory, relevant laws and regulations and the development of employment management. To establish the theoretical basis for the study of the problem. This paper takes ZS Vocational College as the object, through the analysis of the current situation of the management of labor dispatch staff in ZS Vocational College, investigates the background of the choice of labor dispatch mode, the general situation of labor dispatch and the current situation of management in ZS Vocational College. This paper analyzes the problems existing in the management of labor dispatch staff, formulates the direction of salary incentive, the direction of career development, the management system and the methods. According to the analysis results, it puts forward the optimization strategy for the management of labor dispatch staff. Such as establishing a perfect performance compensation system for labor dispatch staff, helping them to carry out vocational training and development, establishing effective communication channels, It is suggested that the employment unit should reflect on the labor dispatch mode, think rationally about the advantages and disadvantages of using the labor dispatch mode, use and judge the labor dispatch employment mode accurately, and actively dispatch the employees. The communication and coordination between the dispatch unit and the employment unit should pay attention to and give full play to the enthusiasm of the labor dispatch staff, so that the form of labor dispatch can really deepen the reform of personnel system in colleges and universities. The results of this study can improve the management level of labor dispatch for other enterprises and institutions, alleviate the contradiction between labor and capital, and promote the development of employment units in human resource management. Improve the employment quality of labor dispatch staff to provide some useful reference.


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