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发布时间:2018-03-08 12:56

  本文选题:和谐社会 切入点:高校 出处:《中北大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:班集体是存在于高校的公共生活领域,以不影响学生的日常学习和生活、不违背学校的日常教学与管理工作为前提,在成员共同的兴趣爱好的基础上,由大学生们按照共同遵守的规范或章程,自愿组织、自发建立、自由加入与退出的非正式群体。班集体的建立,一般以开拓学生视野、提高学生创新能力和丰富学生的业余文化生活为目的,进而开展各项班集体活动。而思想政治教育是我国社会主义精神文明建设的首要内容,是实现社会和谐繁荣、人民安居乐业的重要保障,也是解决社会矛盾和问题的主要途径之一。通过思想政治教育的加强,有助于使人们树立起正确科学的世界观、人生观和价值观。因此思想政治教育一直在我国教育体系中有着十分重要的特殊地位。由于班集体在学生中的影响力不断增强,,已经成为大学生们丰富业余文化生活、在校园中开展人际交往重要方式,因此,研究如何利用班集体开展高校的思想政治教育工作,对学校利用思想政治教育更好地培养具有综合素质的人才,有重要意义。 因此,本篇论文提出了班集体发挥思想政治教育功能的实现路径,包括充分适当地认识、加强、改进和完善具有重要意义的班集体工作,将班集体作为一个依托的平台,加强学生的自制力以实现自我管理,鼓励班集体开展各种丰富多彩的班集体活动,展现良好风貌,以对外交流为契机,展现自我实力,改善自我不足以及以网络报刊为媒介,加强班集体宣传教育工作。通过本篇论文的研究,希望自己在学术研究的道路上不断拓展、不断深化,为国家治理和学术研究贡献微薄之力。
[Abstract]:Class collective exists in the field of public life in colleges and universities. It does not affect the daily study and life of students, does not violate the daily teaching and management work of the school, and on the basis of the common interests and hobbies of the members, By the college students according to the common norms or articles of association, voluntary organization, spontaneous establishment, free participation and withdrawal of the informal group, the establishment of a class, generally to broaden the horizons of students, The purpose of improving students' creative ability and enriching their amateur cultural life is to carry out all kinds of class collective activities. Ideological and political education is the primary content of socialist spiritual civilization construction in China and the realization of social harmony and prosperity. An important guarantee for the people to live and work in peace and contentment is also one of the main ways to solve social contradictions and problems. Through the strengthening of ideological and political education, it is helpful for people to establish a correct and scientific world outlook. Therefore, ideological and political education has always played a very important and special role in our country's educational system. Because of the increasing influence of class group among students, it has become a rich amateur cultural life for college students. Therefore, it is of great significance to study how to make use of class collective to carry out ideological and political education in colleges and universities, so it is of great significance for schools to make use of ideological and political education to cultivate talents with comprehensive qualities. Therefore, this paper puts forward the way to realize the class collective's exerting the function of ideological and political education, including fully and appropriately understanding, strengthening, improving and perfecting the class collective work of great significance, taking the class collective as a platform to rely on. Strengthen the students' self-control to realize self-management, encourage the class collective to carry out various kinds of colorful class collective activities, show good style, take the foreign exchange as the opportunity, show the self-strength, improve the self-insufficiency and take the network newspaper as the medium. Strengthen the class collective propaganda and education work. Through the research of this paper, we hope that we can expand and deepen the way of academic research, and make a small contribution to national governance and academic research.


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