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发布时间:2018-03-08 13:25

  本文选题:公立高校 切入点:受教育平等权 出处:《复旦大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:受教育权作为一种社会权被写入宪法,公民平等地接受教育是受教育权的内在要求,也是宪法上平等权的具体体现,因此受教育平等权是一种宪法权利。由国家举办的公共教育,受到公共财政的支撑,目的在于实现公民的受教育权,为国家建设培养人才,理应向公民平等开放。但在我国教育实践中,高等教育领域受教育权不平等的现象非常严重。不平等尤其体现在公立高校招生中对不同的地区分配不同数量的名额,造成地域之间接受高等教育的机会差别巨大上。本文分析了我国受教育不平等的现状,为其提出符合平等原则的改良方向,探究我国受教育平等权未能受到保障的原因,并相应提出保障受教育平等权制度上的改革设想。 本文一共四章。第一章首先介绍了受教育平等权的概念和性质,并表明本文关注的是特定领域的受教育平等权,即公立高等教育领域,招生活动中的受教育平等权。第二章对受教育权不平等现象在我国的表现进行列举,并且提出作者认为平等的招生制度的标准应当是在择优录取的基础上对弱势群体进行补偿性的优待。第三章研究了我国公立高校招生领域受教育平等权保障存在诸多问题的原因,包括高校招生制度规范的缺陷,行政权力的不当使用以及司法救济制度的不完善。第四章针对第三章所提出的保障中的缺陷,提出对于保障制度的改革设想。
[Abstract]:The right to education, as a social right, is written into the Constitution, and the equal education of citizens is the inherent requirement of the right to education, and it is also the concrete embodiment of the right to equality in the Constitution. Therefore, the right to equality in education is a constitutional right. Public education organized by the state is supported by public finance in order to realize the right of citizens to receive education and to train talents for the construction of the country. It is supposed to be open to citizens on an equal footing. However, in our country's educational practice, the inequality of the right to receive education in higher education is very serious. The inequality is reflected in the allocation of different numbers of places to different regions in the enrollment of public colleges and universities. This paper analyzes the present situation of the inequality of education in our country, puts forward the direction of improvement in conformity with the principle of equality, and explores the reasons why the right to equality of education in our country has not been guaranteed. And the corresponding protection of the right to education on the system of reform ideas. The first chapter introduces the concept and nature of the right to equality in education, and shows that this paper is concerned with the right to equality of education in a specific field, that is, the field of public higher education. The right to equal access to education in enrollment activities. Chapter two enumerates the manifestations of inequality in the right to education in China. The author also suggests that the standard of equal enrollment system should be to compensate the disadvantaged groups on the basis of merit-based admission. Chapter three studies the existence of the guarantee of equal right to education in the field of enrollment in public universities and colleges in China. The causes of many problems, It includes the defects of the admission system of colleges and universities, the improper use of the administrative power and the imperfection of the judicial remedy system. Chapter 4th puts forward a tentative plan for the reform of the security system in view of the defects in the security system put forward in the third chapter.


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