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发布时间:2018-03-08 14:26

  本文选题:农业高校 切入点:科技推广 出处:《湖南农业大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:目前,我国农业增长方式正处于逐步转型的阶段,其中加快农业科技进步、开展高效的农业科技推广工作又是转变我国农业增长方式的关键所在。然而我国传统的农业科技推广模式在实际发展过程中显露出越来越多的弊端,已逐渐不能适应现代农业日益发展的需要,因此,探索建立新型农业科技推广模式势在必行。农业高校作为我国农业科技创新的主体力量,作为农业科技推广和农村社会服务事业的重要力量,不仅具有良好的科研创新能力,还具有丰富的科研成果储备,也培养了大量能面向农村提供科技服务的人才,因此,在农业科技推广工作上具有其他类型高校无法比拟的优势,农业高校主导型科技推广模式也逐渐成为我国农业科技推广体系中的重要组成部分。 本文在阐述农业科技推广基本概念、基本原理的基础上,利用文献分析法对我国农业科技推广模式发展的状况进行了总结归纳。以充分发挥农业高校的农业科技推广优势与潜能为出发点,选取N、S、H三所高校不同的农业科技推广模式作为本文的研究案例,利用绩效分析法和案例调查分析法开展研究,发掘三所高校不同推广模式各自的特点,并分析现阶段发展存在的问题,最后针对分析归纳出的实际问题,借鉴西方发达国家特别是美国以高校为主导的农业科技推广模式的成功经验,结合我国实际情况提出相应建议,为进一步完善我国新型农业科技推广模式提供参考。
[Abstract]:At present, the mode of agricultural growth in China is in the stage of gradual transformation, in which agricultural science and technology progress is accelerated. The key to change the mode of agricultural growth is to carry out the highly efficient extension of agricultural science and technology. However, the traditional mode of agricultural science and technology extension in our country shows more and more disadvantages in the process of actual development. Therefore, it is imperative to explore and establish a new model of agricultural science and technology extension. Agricultural colleges and universities as the main force of agricultural science and technology innovation in China, have been unable to meet the needs of the increasing development of modern agriculture. As an important force in agricultural science and technology extension and rural social service, it not only has good ability of scientific research and innovation, but also has abundant reserve of scientific research achievements, and has also trained a large number of talents who can provide scientific and technological services to rural areas. Agricultural science and technology extension has unparalleled advantages in other types of colleges and universities, and the dominant mode of agricultural science and technology extension has gradually become an important part of the agricultural science and technology extension system in our country. On the basis of expounding the basic concepts and principles of agricultural science and technology extension, The development of agricultural science and technology extension mode in China is summarized by using the method of literature analysis, and the starting point is to give full play to the advantages and potential of agricultural science and technology extension in agricultural colleges and universities. The different agricultural science and technology extension models of three colleges and universities are selected as the research cases in this paper. The performance analysis method and the case investigation analysis method are used to carry out the research, and the characteristics of the different extension models of the three colleges and universities are explored. Finally, in view of the practical problems, the successful experience of the agricultural science and technology extension mode in the western developed countries, especially in the United States, which is dominated by colleges and universities, is analyzed. According to the actual situation of our country, the corresponding suggestions are put forward to provide reference for further perfecting the new agricultural science and technology extension mode in our country.


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