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发布时间:2018-03-08 15:40

  本文选题:北京体育大学 切入点:无形资产管理 出处:《北京体育大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:无形资产是高校资产的重要组成部分,是能够为高校带来经济效益和社会效益的资产。北京体育大学是唯一拥有体育学一级学科国家重点学科的高等院校,作为新中国成立后国务院确定的首批全国重点院校,具有光荣的办学历史、深厚的办学基础和丰富多彩的校园文化,是国家“211工程”建设院校,也是唯一进入“111引智计划”的高等体育院校,在六十年的办学过程中积累了丰富的无形资产。针对北京体育大学无形资产的管理展开研究,对于北京体育大学以及同类型院校无形资产的开发和利用,都具有重要意义。 本文运用文献资料法、专家访谈法、逻辑分析法在对北京体育大学办学历史和无形资产状况进行梳理的基础上,对该校无形资产的管理现状以及存在的问题进行分析与研究。研究表明:北京体育大学的无形资产主要分为知识产权类无形资产、权利型无形资产和人力型无形资产三种类型。其中数量众多,科技含量和现代化程度较高的场馆设施的租赁权;层次高、数量大的校友资源最富有特色;北京体育大学已经逐步意识到无形资产对于学校发展的重要作用,能积极利用法律武器和制度保护自身的无形资产,校名和校标等进行了注册,制定的主要规章制度达到30条,每一类无形资产都有相对应的职能部门进行管理;北京体育大学的无形资产管理中存在的主要问题有:对于无形资产的管理意识不强、管理机构不健全,且缺乏整合、无形资产管理的手段和方法少、管理层次低,规章制度不健全、专业化的管理人才缺乏等;建议在今后管理中从五个方面予以加强:1)进一步提高管理意识。2)健全管理体系。3)明确责任,健全各种规章制度。4)加强监管评估,形成有效的奖惩制度。5)加强专业人才的培养。
[Abstract]:Intangible assets are an important part of college assets, which can bring economic and social benefits to colleges and universities. As the first batch of key colleges and universities established by the State Council after the founding of the people's Republic of China, with a glorious history of running a school, a profound foundation for running a school and a rich and colorful campus culture, it is the construction of the National "211 Project". It is also the only physical education institution that has entered the "111 intellectual attraction Program", and has accumulated rich intangible assets in the course of running a school in the past 60 years. Research on the management of intangible assets in Beijing University of physical Education has been carried out. It is of great significance for the development and utilization of intangible assets in Beijing physical Education University and the same types of colleges and universities. Based on the literature, expert interview and logic analysis, this paper analyzes the history and intangible assets of Beijing University of physical Education. This paper analyzes and studies the present situation and existing problems of the management of the intangible assets of the university. The research shows that the intangible assets of Beijing University of physical Education are mainly classified into intellectual property intangible assets. There are three types of rights intangible assets and manpower intangible assets. Among them, the leasing rights of stadiums and facilities with numerous quantity, high scientific and technological content and high degree of modernization are the most characteristic of alumni resources with high level and large quantity. Beijing physical Education University has gradually realized the important role of intangible assets in the development of the school, has been able to actively use legal weapons and systems to protect its own intangible assets, has registered its name and school standard, and has formulated 30 major rules and regulations. The main problems in the management of intangible assets of Beijing physical Education University are: the management consciousness of intangible assets is not strong, the management organization is not perfect, and the lack of integration. The intangible assets management means and methods are few, the management level is low, the rules and regulations are not perfect, the specialized management talented person is lacking and so on; It is suggested that we should strengthen the management from five aspects: 1) further improve the management consciousness. 2) perfect the management system. 3) make clear the responsibility, perfect all kinds of rules and regulations. 4) strengthen the supervision and evaluation, form an effective reward and punishment system. 5) strengthen the cultivation of professional talents.


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3 赵琼琳;企业无形资产研究与开发支出相关问题研究[D];上海海事大学;2007年

4 吴湛晴;高校无形资产管理研究[D];华南理工大学;2009年




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