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发布时间:2018-03-09 04:17

  本文选题:高校德育 切入点:人文关怀 出处:《广西大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:当前我国社会正处于转型的关键时期,随着社会主义市场经济体制的建立和竞争机制的不断强化,大学生面临前所未有的心理压力和思想困惑,一部分大学生心理发展呈现出极大的不平衡性。如何针对大学生思想道德出现的种种矛盾和问题有效地开展德育工作,是当前高校德育工作的一大课题,而树立人文关怀理念,加强高校德育的人文关怀实践,是解决这一课题的重要举措,也是提高高校德育工作实效性的有效途径。 本文旨在阐述高校德育人文关怀的内涵及意义,结合当前我国高校德育工作中人文关怀存在的问题并剖析其原因,进而有针对性地探讨解决这些问题的方法。文章首先以中西方人本思想资源为理论依据,在借鉴吸收其人文关怀理念精髓的基础上,阐释了人文关怀、高校德育人文关怀的内涵,指出在高校德育中加强人文关怀的重要意义;分析高校德育人文关怀的现状,肯定近几年来高校德育人文关怀在教学方法、评估方式等方面已取得的显著成绩,同时具体指出当前德育人文关怀工作中还存在的一些问题:德育目标过于重视社会而忽视个人、德育内容过于侧重认同性而缺乏必要的创新活力、德育方法略显单一缺乏必要的层次性和协调性;最后从提升高校德育目标理念、构建充满人文关怀理念的德育内容、方法、评估机制及完善充满人文关怀的校园环境等五个方面加以论述,从而探讨高校德育人文关怀的实现路径。 总之,把人文关怀更多地融入到大学生的德育工作中,对于推进高校德育工作的理论和实践创新,使高校德育更好的适应时代的发展和促进大学生全面协调发展,具有重要的现实意义。
[Abstract]:At present, our society is in a critical period of transformation. With the establishment of the socialist market economy system and the continuous strengthening of the competitive mechanism, college students are facing unprecedented psychological pressure and ideological confusion. The psychological development of some college students presents a great imbalance. How to effectively carry out the moral education work in view of the contradictions and problems in the ideological and moral education of college students is a major topic in the moral education work of colleges and universities at present, and the idea of humanistic care should be established. Strengthening the humanistic care practice of moral education in colleges and universities is not only an important measure to solve this problem, but also an effective way to improve the effectiveness of moral education in colleges and universities. The purpose of this paper is to expound the connotation and significance of humanistic care in moral education in colleges and universities, combine with the problems existing in humanistic care in moral education in colleges and universities and analyze its causes. At first, on the basis of the theory of Chinese and Western humanistic thought resources, and on the basis of absorbing the essence of humanistic care, the article explains the humanistic care. The connotation of humanistic care in moral education in colleges and universities, the significance of strengthening humanistic care in moral education in colleges and universities, the analysis of the present situation of humanistic care in moral education in colleges and universities, the affirmation of the teaching methods of humanistic care in moral education in colleges and universities in recent years, At the same time, it points out some problems that still exist in the humanistic care work of moral education: the goal of moral education pays too much attention to the society and neglects the individual. The content of moral education is too much emphasis on identity and lack of necessary innovation vitality, the moral education method shows a little lack of necessary levels and coordination; finally, from the promotion of moral education goal concept, the construction of humanistic care concept of moral education content, methods, The evaluation mechanism and the campus environment full of humanistic care are discussed in order to explore the way to realize humanistic care in moral education in colleges and universities. In a word, integrating humanistic care more into the moral education of college students can promote the theoretical and practical innovation of moral education in colleges and universities, make moral education in colleges and universities better adapt to the development of the times and promote the comprehensive and coordinated development of college students. It has important practical significance.


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