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发布时间:2018-03-09 03:32

  本文选题:大学生 切入点:就业思想政治教育 出处:《重庆交通大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:本文从生态的视角出发,运用生态学相关理论,强调人的和谐发展,,积极探索和构建大学生就业思想政治教育的新模式,帮助和引导大学生树立正确的人生观、价值观、成才观、择业观、就业观,促进人、职业、社会的生态和谐、良性发展。本论文共分五个部分: 第一部分:导论。简要介绍了本论文的研究价值、研究思路和方法、研究的重难点和创新点等。 第二部分:生态视域下大学生就业思想政治教育模式相关概念解析。一是分析了大学生思想政治教育与大学生就业思想政治教育的内涵及其关系;二是分析了模式及大学生就业思想政治教育模式的内涵;三是阐述了大学生就业思想政治教育的生态内涵。 第三部分:大学生就业思想政治教育模式现状考察。通过问卷的形式,对重庆市8所高校的1000名大学生进行了随机抽样调查,旨在了解当前大学生就业思想政治教育的现状和运行模式,分析现行大学生就业思想政治教育模式存在的主要问题。 第四部分:大学生就业思想政治教育的生态分析。结合大学生就业思想政治教育模式问卷调查结果,对大学生就业思想政治教育的生态价值和大学生就业思想政治教育生态系统进行探究,并提出了生态视域下大学生就业思想政治教育模式构建的原则。 第五部分:生态视域下大学生就业思想政治教育模式构建。根据调查和分析,分别从教育者层面、大学生群体层面、就业思想政治教育信息传递和反馈途径层面、大学生个体发展层面,构建了生态视域下大学生就业思想政治教育的四种模式——以大学生就业为导向的家庭——学校——社会联动共育模式;以大学生就业能力培养为中心的社团——群聚发展模式;以大学生就业思想政治教育信息传递——反馈为目的的生态信息循环链模式;以大学生职业发展为依据的“生态位”引导模式。 本文通过对大学生就业思想政治教育生态系统的研究,初步探索和构建了生态视域下的大学生就业思想政治教育模式,以期能够为提高大学生就业思想政治教育的针对性和实效性有所借鉴和参考,对大学生就业思想政治教育理论的丰富和完善有所启迪和思考。
[Abstract]:From the perspective of ecology, this paper emphasizes the harmonious development of human beings, actively explores and constructs a new mode of ideological and political education for college students, and helps and guides college students to set up a correct outlook on life and values. The thesis is divided into five parts: the view of talent, the view of employment, the view of employment, the promotion of ecological harmony of people, occupation and society, and the healthy development. The first part: introduction. Briefly introduces the research value, research ideas and methods, the important difficulties and innovative points of this paper. The second part: the concept analysis of the mode of college students' employment ideological and political education from the ecological perspective. One is the analysis of the connotation and the relationship between the ideological and political education of college students and the ideological and political education of college students' employment. The second is to analyze the connotation of the mode of employment ideological and political education of college students, and the third is to expound the ecological connotation of the ideological and political education of college students' employment. The third part: the present situation of the ideological and political education mode of college students' employment. Through the form of questionnaire, a random sampling survey was conducted on 1000 college students in 8 universities in Chongqing. The purpose of this paper is to understand the current situation and operation mode of ideological and political education in college students' employment, and to analyze the main problems existing in the current mode of ideological and political education for college students' employment. Part 4th: ecological analysis of college students' employment ideological and political education. This paper probes into the ecological value of college students' employment ideological and political education and the ecological system of college students' employment ideological and political education, and puts forward the principles of constructing the mode of college students' employment ideological and political education from the ecological perspective. Part 5th: the construction of ideological and political education model of college students' employment from the ecological perspective. According to the investigation and analysis, from the educational level, the college students' group level, the employment ideological and political education information transmission and feedback way level, respectively. At the level of individual development of college students, four modes of ideological and political education of college students' employment under the ecological perspective are constructed, which are family-school- society linkage education mode guided by college students' employment. The mode of community-cluster development is centered on the cultivation of college students' employability, the mode of ecological information circulation chain is aimed at the information transmission and feedback of college students' employment ideological and political education. The "niche" guiding mode based on the career development of college students. Based on the study of the ecological system of college students' employment ideological and political education, this paper preliminarily explores and constructs the mode of college students' employment ideological and political education from the ecological perspective. In order to improve the pertinence and effectiveness of college students' employment ideological and political education reference and reference to the enrichment and improvement of ideological and political education theory of college students employment enlightenment and thinking.


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