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发布时间:2018-03-10 05:34

  本文选题:网络环境 切入点:高校德育 出处:《山东理工大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:网络的快速发展为高校德育工作注入了新的活力,营造了新的教育环境,进步推动德育事业的繁荣发展。同时,网络也给高校德育带来了许多新的问题,相对网络的快速发展与广泛普及,高校德育工作在理念、内容、方式、教育者素质、管理模式方面发展相对滞后。在网络环境下部分高校德育问题突显,本文从高校德育工作的现状出发,总结当前德育工作取得的成绩,通过分析德育工作存在的不足,研究应对德育工作问题与不足的对策。 本文从高校网络德育的特点入手,分析网络给社会生活带来的巨大变化,对高校德育工作的产生的积极作用与不利影响。在调查统计当代学生使用德育载体情况的基础上,全面总结网络给我国高校德育事业带来的利与弊,让我们对高校德育工作的现状有更清醒的认识。网络德育在教育理念、内容与方式等方面较传统德育都有了不同程度的超越,但我们更不能忽视德育工作存在的不足,突出体现在德育内容的滞后、网络优势发挥不足等方面。研究网络时代如何有效开展高校德育教学,在强化教学工作针对性、有效性与权威性的基础上,使其真正成为实现大学生全面自由发展和社会进步的有效手段。 论文首先综述了网络环境下我国高校德育工作的三个发展阶段,突显了网络对高校德育工作影响的广度与深度,结合在对高校学生应用网络技术状况进行的调查与分析,论述了探究高校网络德育工作现状与对策的理论意义与实践意义。论文在探究网络德育的开放性、交互性、平等性、虚拟性四方面特征的基础上,从德育内容与方式、学生主体意识与教育者素质、德育管理机制等方面分析了网络给德育工作带来的机遇与挑战。通过对高校网络德育现况进行全面分析,总结高校德育工作取得的成绩及存在的不足。论述高校德育工作取得的成绩与存在的不足,是提出改进高校德育工作对策的前提与依据。论文重点从创新网络德育理念、充实德育内容、发展德育方式、优化教育者知识结构、改善涉及网络环境的相关因素以及工作创新六个方面提出高校德育工作的对策,希望能为高校德育工作者提供一些有价值的理论指导,进而增强德育工作的实效性。
[Abstract]:The rapid development of the network has injected new vitality into the moral education work in colleges and universities, created a new educational environment and advanced the prosperity and development of the moral education cause. At the same time, the network has also brought many new problems to the moral education in colleges and universities. Compared with the rapid development and widespread popularization of the network, moral education in colleges and universities is lagging behind in the aspects of concept, content, way, quality of educators and management mode. In the network environment, some problems of moral education in colleges and universities are highlighted. Starting from the present situation of moral education in colleges and universities, this paper summarizes the achievements of moral education at present, analyzes the shortcomings of moral education, and studies the countermeasures to deal with the problems and deficiencies of moral education. Starting with the characteristics of network moral education in colleges and universities, this paper analyzes the tremendous changes brought about by the network to social life, and its positive and negative effects on the moral education work in colleges and universities. Based on the investigation and statistics of the use of moral education carriers by contemporary students, This paper sums up the advantages and disadvantages brought by the network to the moral education of colleges and universities in our country, and makes us have a more sober understanding of the present situation of the moral education in colleges and universities. The network moral education has surmounted in different degrees than the traditional moral education in the aspects of educational idea, content and way. However, we can't ignore the shortcomings of moral education, such as the lagged content of moral education and the deficiency of network advantages, etc. In this paper, we study how to carry out moral education effectively in colleges and universities in the era of network, so as to strengthen the teaching work. On the basis of validity and authority, it becomes an effective means to realize the all-round and free development and social progress of college students. This paper first summarizes the three stages of moral education in colleges and universities in China under the network environment, highlights the breadth and depth of the influence of the network on the moral education in colleges and universities, and makes an investigation and analysis of the application of network technology to college students. This paper discusses the theoretical and practical significance of exploring the present situation and countermeasures of network moral education in colleges and universities. On the basis of exploring the open, interactive, equal and fictitious characteristics of network moral education, the paper discusses the contents and ways of moral education. This paper analyzes the opportunities and challenges brought by the network to the moral education work from the aspects of the students' subjective consciousness and the quality of the educators, the management mechanism of moral education, etc. Through the comprehensive analysis of the present situation of the network moral education in colleges and universities, This paper summarizes the achievements and shortcomings of moral education in colleges and universities, discusses the achievements and shortcomings of moral education in colleges and universities, and puts forward the premise and basis for improving the moral education in colleges and universities. The paper focuses on innovating the idea of network moral education. To enrich the content of moral education, to develop the way of moral education, to optimize the knowledge structure of educators, to improve the related factors related to the network environment and to improve the work innovation in six aspects of moral education in colleges and universities, the countermeasures are put forward. It is hoped that it can provide some valuable theoretical guidance for moral education workers in colleges and universities, and then enhance the effectiveness of moral education work.


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